Vol. 23 No. 2 (2020): Anno XXIII, 2-2020
Dossier - Per una didattica critica... anche a distanza

Didattica a distanza in contesti di emergenza: le criticità messe in luce dalla ricerca

Davide Capperucci
Associato di Pedagogia sperimentale – Università degli studi di Firenze

Published 2021-01-08


  • Covid-19,
  • Pandemic,
  • Distance learning,
  • Didactics,
  • School,
  • Teaching and learning
  • ...More

How to Cite

Capperucci, D. (2021). Didattica a distanza in contesti di emergenza: le criticità messe in luce dalla ricerca. Studi Sulla Formazione/Open Journal of Education, 23(2), 13–22. https://doi.org/10.13128/ssf-12309


This paper investigates the strengths and weaknesses of distance learning at the time of Covid-19 starting from the contribution provided by empirical research in education, with particular reference to the results of the national research conducted by SIRD (Italian Educational Research Society) on this issue during the lock down period.


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