For further details please visit our CALL FOR PAPERS page.
ISSN 2036-6981 (online)
Founded in 1998, Studi sulla Formazione aimed at those in the academic world who are dedicated to advancing the field of education through their research. Studi sulla Formazione provides a range of articles that speak to the major issues in education across all content areas and disciplines. The journal is published two times per year and edited through a rigorous double blind review process that utilizes a national and international editorial board and peer reviewers. SSF promotes to advance research in the field of education through a collection of quality, relevant, and advanced interdisciplinary articles.

Alessandro Mariani, Università di Firenze, Italy
Studi sulla Formazione is indexed in:

Call for Papers
Italian School after Pandemic
The emergency of Covid-19 has forced the school to transform and rethink itself according to infection prevention standards. At the gates of the new school year, the pedagogical community is invited to reflect on the points to be better qualified within the current school organization.
The dossier of the second edition of the journal “Studi sulla Formazione” in 2022 will develop this topic. We welcome contributions by Italian and foreign scholars, ware interested in the topic. The academic authors should communicate the title and the short abstract of the article by 10 October 2022 and should send the final article (about 6.000-15.000 characters, spaces included) by 15 November 2022.
Call for Papers
Models of Bildung for the 21st Century Society: Starting from Edgar Morin
The productive and important author Edgar Morin turns 100 in 2021. We want to celebrate him focusing on the most relevant aspects of his thought, related to the models of Bildung for the 21st century society.
In particular, the authors should reflect on a reflective and critical pedagogy, facing dialectically with the problems, the emergencies and the difficulties in the present time and with the issues of the planetary citizenship.
The dossier of the second edition of the journal “Studi sulla Formazione” in 2021 will develop this topic.
We welcome contributions by Italian and foreign scholars, who are interested in the topic. The contributions can be written in English or Italian.
The authors should communicate the title and the short abstract of the article by 31 July 2021 and should send the final article (from 20.000 to 30.000 characters, spaces included) by 15 September 2021.
For further details please visit our CALL FOR PAPERS page.
Call for Papers
From Merit to Competences: a Relevant Topic for Contemporary Pedagogy
Merit and Competences are two categories which have animated economical, sociological and political research for a long time:they also closely concern education and Bildung. Pedagogy should reflect on these categories in an analytical and critical way.
The dossier of the first edition of the journal “Studi sulla Formazione” in 2021 will develop this topic.
We welcome contributions by Italian and foreign scholars, who are interested in the topic.
The authors should communicate the title and the short abstract of the article by 31 December 2021 and should send the final article (about 20.000 characters, spaces included) by 15 March 2022.
For further details please visit our CALL FOR PAPERS page.
Current IssueVol 27, No 2 (2024): Anno XXVII, 2-2024
Published December 30, 2024