
  • Aisthesis. Pratiche, linguaggi e saperi dell’estetico

    ⓘ This journal is no longer published by Firenze University Press; starting in 2024, it will be published by our friends at Mimesis Edizioni.
    Please visit this link to browse the latest Issues.

    Founded in 2008 by Fabrizio Desideri and Giovanni Matteucci, «Aisthesis. Pratiche, linguaggi e saperi dell’estetico» is a peer-reviewed Open Access Journal whose focal aim is to promote interdisciplinary and transcultural research and debate in Aesthetics and the arts. Transcending traditional subject boundaries and understanding the notion of "aesthetic" as a pervasive component of human cultures and life forms, Aisthesis innovatively integrates a major focus on the intersection between aesthetics and the contemporary sciences (biology, psychology, neurosciences) with an in-depth interest in the history of the discipline, its leading classics and great metaphysical questions.

    The journal appears biannually, in spring and autumn, and welcomes insightful academic articles and timely book reviews. Each issue includes a thematic cluster and a miscellany; call for papers are regularly announced on the journal website. "Aisthesis" is indexed, among others, in The Philosopher's Index, SCOPUS, PhilPapers, Google Scholar, and WoS Clarivate.

    Fabrizio Desideri, Università di Firenze, Italy

    ISSN 2035-8466 (online)

    Aisthesis. Pratiche, linguaggi e saperi dell’estetico, as of September 2024, is indexed in:

  • Annali di Storia di Firenze

    Annali di Storia di Firenze is the first journal ever entirely dedicated to offering a multidisciplinary perspective of the history of Florence publishing essays, articles and bibliographical documents trying to represent the complex interweaving of its millenary events. From 2011 the journal is available online and in printed version on request.



    Aurora Savelli, Università di Firenze, Italy


    ISSN 1827-6946 (online)

  • Comparative Cultural Studies - European and Latin American Perspectives

    ⓘ This journal is no longer published by Firenze University Press; starting in 2023, it will be published by our friends at Universidad Pablo de Olavide.
    Please visit this link to browse the latest Issues.

    "Comparative Cultural Studies-European and Latin American Perspectives" is an international peer-reviewed journal for research and interpretation concerning issues of cultural diversity, migrations, gender, ethnicity and social class in European and Latin American societies. The journal publishes articles from around the world, providing a distinctive link between scholars living and working in Europe and Latin America, reinforced by the double coordination assured by the University of Florence, Italy, and the University of Coahuila, Mexico. The interdisciplinary dimension includes cultural and social anthropology, history, European and Latin American literature, sociology, psycho-pedagogical studies, economic and political sciences, communication, geography and international relations. The Journal is a biannual electronic publication of free access.

    Giovanna Campani, Università di Firenze, Italy
    Francesco Gervasi, Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila, Mexico

    ISSN: 2531-9884 (online)

  • Contesti. Città, territori, progetti

    Call for Paper CONTESTI  2 | 2024


    Edited by Giulio Giovannoni, Paola Briata, Giuseppina Forte, Silvia Ross

    Submission deadline September 30, 2024. EXTENDED DEADLINE: OCTOBER 15

    Planning stems from multi-actor, interactive and negotiating processes (Crosta 1998, Forester 1982), which take place through discursive practices and are strongly conditioned by the distribution of power. In these processes, the planner is invested with a dual role, at once technical and political, and has to mediate between the interests and demands of different groups and stakeholders. Cross-contamination of urban planning/design and anthropological urban approaches makes it possible to reduce the distortions arising from the unequal distribution of power and information by leveraging the cultural and symbolic factors of space production. Anthropological urbanism serves the cause of spatial justice and ethically responsible planning (Cranz 2016, Bech-Danielsen, Landsverk 2022).
    This issue of CONTESTI aims to take stock of the debate and promote theoretical reflection on the interdisciplinary contamination between urban planning and urban anthropology, and to illustrate some recent design and planning experiences marked by these kinds of approaches. Possible topics to be covered, non-exclusively, may include the following: 1) Urban anthropology and the discursive construction of urban policies; 2) Anthropological urbanism, stigma and symbolic justice; 3) Urbanism and anthropology of non-places, public housing estates, Arrival cities and camps for migrants and refugees, and the suburbs; 4) Visual anthropology and planning; 5) Anthropological urbanism and social conflict; 6) Open source urbanism and hybrid physical/virtual spaces of engagement.

    Download the CALL FOR PAPERS  (ITAENG)

    ISSN: 2035-5300

    More information about Contesti. Città, Territori, Progetti

    Contesti has been evaluated as Class A-Journal in the latest 2023 official ranking of academic journals set up by the Italian Ministry of University and Research and its evaluation agency ANVUR.


  • Cromohs - Cyber Review of Modern Historiography



    ISSN 1123-7023 (online)

    CROMOHS is a peer-reviewed, open-access electronic history journal published in English, and over the last two decades has established a solid reputation for scholarly rigour. With a marked international outlook, it aims to encourage methodological debate arising from original and creative dialogue between scholarly traditions, and to promote innovative approaches to archival research. CROMOHS acts as a focal point and forum for challenging and fresh scholarship on fourteenth- to nineteenth-century intellectual, social and cultural history in a global perspective. It seeks to move beyond a strictly regional and Eurocentric approach, with a preferential view towards histories of transcultural contacts and connections. Articles relating to Muslim societies (fourteenth-nineteenth centuries) are most welcome. More generally, CROMOHS strongly encourages contributions engaging with extra-European cultures and societies. CROMOHS invites theoretically informed work from a range of historical, cultural and social domains that interrogate cross-cultural and connected histories, intersecting the history of knowledge, emotions, religious beliefs, ethnography, cartography, the environment, material culture and the arts.
    Daniel Barbu, CNRS Paris, France
    Caterina Bori, University of Bologna, Italy
    Giovanni Tarantino, University of Florence, Italy
    Paola von Wyss-Giacosa, University of Zurich, Switzerland
    Cromohs is indexed in:
  • Diciottesimo Secolo

    New Call for Papers

    Philosophy of the Sensus Communis. The Public, the Individual, the Cultural Practices

    Edited by Andrea Gatti

    Maurice Ashley-Cooper; Anthony Ashley-Cooper, 3rd Earl of Shaftesburyby John Closterman (died 1711) | (photo Wikimedia)

    The idea of the sensus communis is something of a crossroads for many cultural issues and practices in eighteenth-century Europe. It was at the heart of aesthetic, moral, political, religious, educational and legal concerns. Conceived as an inner sensibility or a sense of belonging to a community under the aegis of a set of common values, the sensus communis was one of the main themes of the investigations into human nature of 18th century authors such as Shaftesbury, Voltaire, Vico, Hume, Kant, Herder and others. At the same time, it inspired a whole series of cultural operations that referred to the idea of a collective taste that cultural operators sought to encounter, stimulate and educate. From this perspective, the idea of the sensus communis not only further defines the modern idea of the individual, but also sheds light on the heterogeneous genres and new cultural practices that emerged in the eighteenth century, on the then dominant notions of audience and ‘cultural industry’, and on the emergence of an unprecedented philosophy of the ‘spectator’.

    The deadline for submissions is 31 December 2024.

    «Diciottesimo Secolo» is the official international open access journal of the Società Italiana di Studi sul Secolo XVIII (SISSD). It is committed to hosting critical debates covering a full range of eighteenth century subjects: from literature to history, from law to religion, from philosophy to science, from anthropology to the fine arts, from linguistics to ethics, from theatre to music. It is also intended as an instrument for providing updated information about current Italian research in eighteenth-century studies. Published annually and double blind peer reviewed, the journal is divided into three sections: “Essays”, “Critical Notes” and “Reviews”.
    Andrea Gatti, Università di Bologna, Italy
    Rolando Minuti, Università di Firenze, Italy
    ISSN ONLINE 2531-4165

    Diciottesimo Secolo is indexed in:

  • Drammaturgia

    Drammaturgia is a new series of the same title journal published by Salerno Editore until 2003. Issued once a year, it examines the intercultural dynamics of theatre and the differences between literary structures of the discipline and its specific contexts and processes of production and fruition.

    Directed by Siro Ferrone with Stefano Mazzoni (until 2022) and Renzo Guardenti (from 2023), the new series of the annual journal «Drammaturgia» is the continuation of the prestigious multidisciplinary publication of the same name founded in 1994 by Ferrone and published with rigorous punctuality until 2003 by Salerno Editrice: ten monographic issues and eight notebooks, for a total of more than 4500 pages. The new series is published by Firenze University Press, both in print and in electronic form. The contents of «Drammaturgia» (original essays, documents, texts, bibliographic repertories, ongoing research) are available in open access. The journal investigates a long-term diachronic arc – from the ancient world to today –  in a historical-philological perspective attentive to intercultural dynamics and to the differences between the literary crystallizations of the theatre and the specific contexts and processes of production, staging and consumption of live theatre. In addition to the annual issue of the journal, reviews and commentary on current topics are published quarterly since 2001 on the website «Drammaturgia» ( A close and fruitful scientific collaboration is established between «Drammaturgia» and AMAtI, Multimedia Archive of Italian Actors ( The editorial staff of the journal is based in the Department of History, Archeology, Geography, Fine and Performing Arts of the University of Florence (Head Office in via Gino Capponi, 9).

    Sara Mamone, Università di Firenze, Italy
    ISSN 2283-5644 (online)
    Drammaturgia is indexed in:
  • Firenze Architettura

    "In Italy, every square metre of earth we excavate contains the remains of the body and the actions of a man who existed centuries ago. This land is therefore sacred. What gives us the right to forget that fact?" (Paolo Zermani)

    Firenze Architettura is an international journal dedicated to theoretical and applied research in the field of architectural design, which serves as a critical observatory aimed at refounding and conveying the discipline of design by countering development models that disregard the core values of the European city. Each issue offers a space for reflection concerning a specific topic, which is then explored indepth in papers that investigate the design rationale while focusing on contemporary research. The journal also welcomes essays, in the form of editorials, by eminent personalities of European culture who, from an extra-disciplinary point of view, offer a broader understanding of the topic. Over time, Firenze Architettura has become an esteemed tool for the study and dissemination of the culture of architectural design and has been rated by ANVUR as a Class A scientific journal since 2015.

    Paolo Zermani, Università di Firenze, Italy

    ISSN 2035-4444 (online)

    Firenze Architettura is indexed in:
  • Il Colle di Galileo

    Il Colle di Galileo is the "display window" for the initiatives promoted by the agreement "Il Colle di Galileo – Galileo's Hill" among the University of Florence, CNR, INAF and INFN.
    It publishes articles, by invitation only, both in Italian and in English in order to describe the main activities in Physics research taking place in several Institutions in the Arcetri area. Namely: Department of Physics and Astronomy (UNIFI), Galileo Galilei Institute for Theoretical Physics (INFN and UNIFI), National Institute of Optics (CNR) and Astrophysical Observatory of Arcetri. These include scientific reports of events like international conferences and workshops and highlights on the main results obtained by the research of "Galileo's Hill" institutes.

  • Italian Journal of Anatomy and Embryology

    The Italian Journal of Anatomy and Embryology, founded in 1901 by Giulio Chiarugi, Anatomist at Florence University, is a peer-reviewed journal sponsored by the Italian Society of Anatomy and Embryology. The journal publishes original papers, invited review articles, historical article, commentaries, obituitary, and book reviews. Its main focus is to understand anatomy through an analysis of structure, function, development and evolution. Priority will be given to studies of that clearly articulate their relevance to the anatomical community. Focal areas include: experimental studies, contributions based on molecular and cell biology and on the application of modern imaging techniques; comparative functional morphology; developmental biology; functional human anatomy; methodological innovations in anatomical research; significant advances in anatomical education. Studies that are essentially descriptive anatomy are appropriate only if they communicate clearly a broader functional or evolutionary significance.
    Domenico Ribatti, Università di Bari, Italy
    ISSN 2038-5129 (online)
    The Italian Journal of Anatomy and Embryology is indexed in:
  • Italian Review of Agricultural Economics (REA)


    The Italian Review of Agricultural Economics (REA) is an international peer-reviewed open access journal published on behalf of the Council for Agricultural Research and Economics (CREA) and the Italian Society of Agricultural Economics (SIDEA) since 1946. With its more than 70 years of existence, the Italian Review of Agricultural Economics is a distinguished place for the analysis, research and debates on issues related to agricultural economics and policy in its broadest sense, from food production and consumption to land use and the environment, from forestry and fisheries to rural communities.


    ISSN 0035-6190 (print)
    ISSN 2281-1559 (online)

    Pietro Pulina, Department AGRARIA - University of Sassari, Italy

     REA is indexed in:


  • Journal of Early Modern Studies

    Journal of Early Modern Studies (JEMS) is an open access peer-reviewed international journal that promotes interdisciplinary research and discussion on issues concerning all aspects of early modern European culture. It provides a platform for international scholarly debate through the publication of outstanding work over a wide disciplinary spectrum: literature, language, art, history, politics, sociology, religion and cultural studies. JEMS is open to a range of research perspectives and methodological orientations and encourages studies that develop understanding of the major problematic areas relating to the European Renaissance.

    ISSN 2279-7149 (online)

    Donatella Pallotti, Università di Firenze, Italy
    Paola Pugliatti, Università di Firenze, Italy
    The Journal of Early Modern Studies is indexed in:

    CALL FOR PAPERS: VOL. 16 - 2026
    Material Space and Literary Production in Early Modern Europe

    Edited by Chloe Fairbanks and Catherine Jenkinson

    Volume 16 (2026) of the Journal of Early Modern Studies will re-examine the relationship between material space and literary production in early modern Europe. Literary production is here defined as including prose, sermons, poetry, drama, letters, and diaries, written for both private and/or public audiences. In its reconsideration of both space and place, broadly defined, the volume will offer a reassessment of both late medieval and early modern writings about and within space and will offer fresh ways of understanding the complex relationship between individuals and their environments (material, imagined, or otherwise) during this period. The editors particularly welcome submissions which engage with subversion and the deconstruction of formal and informal power structures, and encourage submissions from scholars of underrepresented backgrounds. Contributions that examine the literary output or spaces traditionally excluded from modern scholarship are also encouraged.....  Read More  PDF

  • LEA - Lingue e Letterature d'Oriente e d'Occidente

    Antiquity and Antiquities in the Long 18th Century

    Call for Papers

    Giovan Battista Piranesi, Colonne in Paestum, 1778 | (photo Gordon Johnson via Pixabay)

    We are pleased to announce that LEA Vol. 13, scheduled for December 2024, will feature a special thematic section devoted to “Antiquity and Antiquities in the Long 18th Century”. Our guest editors, Elisabetta Cecconi and Elisabetta Lonati, will bring their expertise and insights to cultivate vibrant scholarly debate.

    Call for Papers 2024
    The peer-reviewed scholarly Journal LEA invites submissions for its miscellaneous section of the upcoming issue (Vol 13, 2024). LEA welcomes original and high-quality contributions in all areas of linguistic, literary, and philological studies. Authors are encouraged to submit their manuscripts exploring diverse topics within these fields. Manuscripts should adhere to the Journal’s guidelines. Submissions can be made through our online platform. LEA is published annually in December.

    The deadline for submissions is May 8, 2024. We look forward to receiving your contributions and engaging in meaningful exchanges of ideas within the pages of our Journal.

    For inquiries and further information, please contact us at

    LEA is a double-blind peer-reviewed international scholarly journal that publishes original research papers in all areas of literature and linguistics, with special emphasis on cross-cultural encounters and interdisciplinary exchanges. LEA is published once a year in December. We  invite submissions addressing the themes or topics outlined in the Call for Papers, which is issued every year in January.

    ISSN 1824-484X (online)
    General Editors:
    Ilaria Natali, Università di Firenze, Italy
    Ayşe Saraçgil, Università di Firenze, Italy

    Download the Author Guidelines

    LEA - Lingue e Letterature d'Oriente e d'Occidente is indexed in:
  • Musica/Tecnologia

    Call for Papers Issue XIX (2025) of Music/Technology:

    We are pleased to announce our call for papers for the XIX issue (2025) of Music/Technology. This issue welcomes contributions on new technological advances in electroacoustic feedback for music and composition, and their associated artistic/compositional results.

    Guest Editor: Maurilio Cacciatore

    Deadline: 30 June 2024

    For further information please visit the Call for Paper webpage

    The advent of electricity and its instrumental applications has given new impetus to the relationship between music and technology. The constant and progressive spread of electronics and digital tools has increasingly influenced the executive and creative areas of music, aligning the technological dimension always present in its evolutionary path to the demands of contemporaneity. Hybridizations between different genres have been developed. Expressive languages and horizons of scientific and technological research, unthinkable only a few decades earlier, have opened up.
    Music/Technology attempts to explore this dimension, in the awareness that the relations between the musical world and the technological one are not linear but rather characterized by chronological and environmental mismatches. With the aim of making explicit - as we had already underlined in our first issue - the awareness that shows «how new categories of musical thought could be created thanks to the invention of devices and instruments whose impact on our ways of learning and conceiving sound phenomenon was decisive» (Hugues Dufourt). The ratio line present in the title of the magazine therefore seeks to express precisely this, in all the values that one wishes to assign to that line. Ultimately, the urgency is to understand the creative, productive and realization mechanisms in which music fits thanks to its electrical and digital developments, while undertaking a reflection that allows us not to be overwhelmed by them.

    Editor-in-Chief: Marco Ligabue, Conservatorio di Firenze, Italy

    ISSN 1974-0050 (online)

    Music/Technology is indexed in:
  • Opus Incertum

    Architectural history and the challenges of interdisciplinarity

    Call for Papers

    Edited by Nadja Aksamija, Antonio Brucculeri, and Denis Ribouillault (PDF eng/ita/fr)

    The annual journal Opus Incertum dedicates the 2025 issue to architectural history and the challenges of interdisciplinarity. It is nearly impossible to define the discipline of architectural history in simple terms today. The field has become pluralistic and fragmented, marked by multi-, trans-, inter-, and even anti- disciplinarity (Mowitt, 1997). The adoption of various methods from the humanities and social sciences and the introduction of cultural approaches (e.g., visual studies, literary studies, intermediality, etc.) have resulted in extraordinary diversity in the writing of architectural history. Consequently, scholars from various disciplines now operating under the banner of architectural history often have little in common (Timbert, 2021). more.

    30 May 2024: deadline for submission of abstract (max 2000 characters) and a short CV (max 1000 characters)
    15 June 2024: notification of acceptance
    1 October 2024: essay submission:

    Visit our CALL FOR PAPERS page or download the PDF (eng/ita/fr)

    Opus Incertum è la rivista di storia dell’architettura del Dipartimento di Architettura dell’Università di Firenze. Fondata nel 2005, Opus Incertum intende costituire uno strumento di promozione e di diffusione della ricerca nel campo della storia dell’architettura e della città, intese nell’accezione più ampia del termine per quanto riguarda sia gli ambiti cronologici e geografici, sia quelli tematici. La rivista accoglie infatti contributi di studiosi italiani e stranieri specialisti nella disciplina, con l’obiettivo di stimolare, favorire lo sviluppo e rendere noti i risultati di ricerche originali, senza escludere nessun taglio metodologico che si basi su un rigoroso approccio scientifico. Lo scopo è quello di offrire prospettive inedite e nuovi approfondimenti conoscitivi su temi generali o su argomenti specifici riguardanti l’ambito disciplinare della rivista.
    Emanuela Ferretti, Università degli Studi di Firenze, Italy
    ISSN 2035-9217 (print) ISSN 2239-5660 (online)
    Opus Incertum is indexed in:

  • Phytopathologia Mediterranea


    Phytopathologia Mediterranea is an international journal edited by the Mediterranean Phytopathological Union. The journal’s mission is the promotion of plant health for Mediterranean crops, climate and regions, safe food production, and the transfer of new knowledge on plant diseases and their sustainable management. The journal deals with all areas of plant pathology, including etiology, epidemiology, disease control, biochemical and physiological aspects, and utilization of molecular technologies. All types of plant pathogens are covered, including fungi, oomycetes, nematodes, protozoa, bacteria, phytoplasmas, viruses, and viroids. The journal also gives a special attention to research on mycotoxins, biological and integrated management of plant diseases, and the use of natural substances in disease and weed control. The journal focuses on pathology of Mediterranean crops grown throughout the world.


    Editors in Chief
    Laura Mugnai, University of Florence, Italy
    Richard Edwin Falloon, Bio-Protection Research Centre, New Zealand

    ISSN: 1593-2095

    SCImago Journal & Country Rank

    OnlineFirst Articles List

    Online First is a feature offered through FUP's journal platform. It allows final revision articles (completed articles in queue for assignment to an upcoming issue) to be hosted online prior to their inclusion in a final print and online journal issue.
    ➽➽➽ New OnlineFirst articles 

    Phytopathologia Mediterranea is indexed in:

    To submit your manuscript online you must be "Author".  Please check the flag "Author" in Roles of your Profile. If you have an ORCID iD, we recommend linking it to your account in Public of you Profile

    Browse the articles by the UN Sustainable Development Goals

  • Rivista di studi di fotografia. Journal of Studies in Photography

    ⓘ This journal is no longer published by Firenze University Press; starting in 2020, it will be published by our friends at Forum Editrice.

    The Rivista di Studi di Fotografia (RSF) is the six-monthly scientific peer-reviewed journal put out by the Società Italiana di Studi di Fotografia (SISF). It publishes articles on research and studies into photography, both historical and contemporary; articles on sources and the custodianship of photographs; reviews of books, events and exhibitions of particular importance to the development of study in this field. The scope of the journal is to gather together and promote the most up-to-date research on photography which is taking place both in Italy and abroad, with particular attention to the work of specialists in the field who introduce innovative approaches and share an interest in dialogue with other branches of knowledge.

    Tiziana Serena, Università di Firenze, Italy

    ISSN 2421-6941 (online)

  • Scienze del Territorio

    Scienze del Territorio Rivista di Studi Territorialisti 
    2284-242X (online)
    2384-8774 (print)
    Scienze del Territorio is the official journal of the Territorialist Society. The journal hosts pioneering studies pointed at enhancing territorial heritage, bringing back together the diverse meanings of places, frequently divided by confined institutional sciences and practices, and proposing transformation projects based on these guidelines. As an identity code of its scientific method and action, the journal promotes forms of meeting and mediation among theoretical thought, technical and local knowledge. The journal is intended as an observatory on innovation practices and a place of theoretical reflection on them, providing information, conceptual and practical tools for active citizenship and institutions engaged in various forms of attention to care and government of territories as common goods. The aim is to foster experience exchange and knowledge dissemination and, in a wider perspective, to trigger continuing education and empowerment, by encouraging and strengthening ways of learning and self-learning which can be catalysed by readings.
    Editor-in-chief: Paolo Baldeschi
    Associate Editors-in-chief: Luciano De Bonis, Maria Rita Gisotti
    Editorial Staff: Chiara Belingardi, Elisa Butelli, Claudia Cancellotti, Angelo M. Cirasino, Luana Giunta, Daniele Vannetiello

    CALL FOR PAPERS: “Renewable energy communities, territorial heritage and just ecological transition”, Vol. 12, no. 2, 2024

    Edited by Monica Bolognesi, Alessandro Bonifazi, Luciano De Bonis and Franco Sala

    EXTENDED DEADLINE: October 15th, 2024

    Renewable Energy Communities are taking their first steps also in Italy as the energy system evolves towards a new polycentric and widespread configuration, while industrial operators strive to maintain their dominant positions, held or acquired along with the market privatisation and liberalisation. For most territories previously affected only by energy consumption and transmission, this paradigm shift involves the emergence of new socio-technical forms which show a pervasive integration of renewable energy production into everyday landscapes and life worlds ...

    Find out more HERE or download the Call for Papers full text (ENG|ITA); for info on thematic and methodological organisation of the journal and on editorial standards, please refer to:

    PERMANENT CALL FOR PAPERS for the “Reflection on the territorialist project” section

    This section of the journal contains papers providing reflections on the state of the art and the multi- and trans-disciplinary advancement of the territorialist project culture, moving from individual disciplines or ‘clusters’ of them. Such papers are therefore intended as totally independent of the topic dealt with in each monographic issue, and may be sent to the editorial staff at any time regardless of the deadlines connected to each thematic call for papers.

    Please read HERE the Call full text. 

    : Abitare il territorio al tempo del Covid / Living the territories in the time of Covid

    Questo numero speciale della Rivista “Scienze del territorio”, pubblicato in italiano nel 2020, è dedicato a una riflessione ‘territorialista’ finalizzata ad approfondire come la pandemia in corso, e le questioni che essa sta evidenziando, possano essere utilmente affrontate riscoprendo le potenzialità di un diverso modo di pensare, progettare, agire e quindi, complessivamente, “abitare” i nostri territori. Tanto più che CoViD-19 – ci segnalano gli scienziati – non si presenta come un evento isolato, ma come uno dei molti episodi inscritti nella cornice della crisi ambientale globale. La pandemia ha fatto emergere con straordinaria evidenza limiti e fragilità del rapporto prevalente tra economie e territori, riconducibili sempre più chiaramente a quel processo di “accumulazione per spoliazione” reso possibile dalla tecnologia, dalla logistica e dalla finanziarizzazione globali. ... Continua

    Edited by Anna Marson and Antonella Tarpino


  • Scrineum Rivista

    ⓘ This journal is no longer published by Firenze University Press; starting in 2021, it will be published by our friends at SHARE Journals.
    Please visit this link to browse the latest Issues.

    Scrineum Rivista is the first green open access journal in the field of manuscript studies at an international level.
    It was founded in 2003 by a group of scholars of Diplomatics, Palaeography and Codicology working at variousItalian Universities, who since 1999 have managed the internet portal “Scrineum. Saggi e materiali on-line di scienze del documento e del libro medievali” (On-line essays and resources on the history of Medieval books and documents).

    ISSN 1128-5656 (online)

  • SocietàMutamentoPolitica

    ISSN 2038-3150 (online)

    SocietàMutamentoPolitica is a journal of sociology founded by Gianfranco Bettin Lattes. It includes theoretical and empirical studies of social phenomena in the belief that the interweaving of society and politics is of crucial analytical importance. Sociology is a form of knowledge that works alongside other social sciences and offers a rational tool for a critique of society and for the development of good government. The main aim of SMP is to encourage an exchange of views among sociologists by promoting open debate and encouraging the young to undertake new research.

    Lorenzo Viviani, Università di Pisa, Italy

    SocietàMutamentoPolitica is indexed in:

    Call for Paper | Special Issue "Gender in Youth Participation: Styles, Practices, Cultures" 

    Youth participation has become a focal point in political agendas and international academic research, reflecting a growing consensus on the imperative to delve into the intricacies of youth civic, public, and political engagement. As we strive to unravel the complexities within the"black box" of youth participation, an intersectional lens becomes indispensable for a nuanced understanding of the challenges and opportunities encountered by young people.. 

    Visit our CALL FOR PAPERS page or download the PDF (ENG)

  • Studi irlandesi. A Journal of Irish Studies

    Studi irlandesi. A Journal of Irish Studies aims to promote and contribute to the interdisciplinary debate on themes and research issues pertaining to every aspect of Irish culture, in order to create a place for an international debate and high quality research on Irish literary studies, history, cultural perspectives and linguistic inquiry, from the Romantic Era to the present age. The aim of the publication is, therefore, to stimulate discussion on problematic aspects of Irish culture: history, politics, social environment, as well as literature and art. The journal will publish previously unpublished works, both in the original language and Italian translation, as well as interviews, reviews, reports and bibliographies of interest for Irish culture scholars. The journal will also publish research in progress focussing on recent developments rather than consolidated theories and hypotheses and openings rather than conclusions, and will encourage young scholars to publish the results of their - completed or partial - research, and take part in the international debate, both in traditional formats and digital media.

    Fiorenzo Fantaccini, Università di Firenze, Italy
    ISSN 2239-3978 (online)
    Studi irlandesi. A Journal of Irish Studies is indexed in:
  • Studi sulla Formazione/Open Journal of Education

    ISSN 2036-6981 (online)

    Founded in 1998, Studi sulla Formazione aimed at those in the academic world who are dedicated to advancing the field of education through their research. Studi sulla Formazione provides a range of articles that speak to the major issues in education across all content areas and disciplines. The journal is published two times per year and edited through a rigorous double blind review process that utilizes a national and international editorial board and peer reviewers. SSF promotes to advance research in the field of education through a collection of quality, relevant, and advanced interdisciplinary articles.
    Alessandro Mariani, Università di Firenze, Italy
    Studi sulla Formazione is indexed in:

    Call for Papers

    Italian School after Pandemic


    The emergency of Covid-19 has forced the school to transform and rethink itself according to infection prevention standards. At the gates of the new school year, the pedagogical community is invited to reflect on the points to be better qualified within the current school organization.

    The dossier of the second edition of the journal “Studi sulla Formazione” in 2022 will develop this topic. We welcome contributions by Italian and foreign scholars, ware interested in the topic. The academic authors should communicate the title and the short abstract of the article by 10 October 2022 and should send the final article (about 6.000-15.000 characters, spaces included) by 15 November 2022.

    For further details please visit our CALL FOR PAPERS page.

    Download the full call for paper in pdf (ita – eng)

    Call for Papers

    Models of Bildung for the 21st Century Society: Starting from Edgar Morin


    The productive and important author Edgar Morin turns 100 in 2021. We want to celebrate him focusing on the most relevant aspects of his thought, related to the models of Bildung for the 21st century society.

    In particular, the authors should reflect on a reflective and critical pedagogy, facing dialectically with the problems, the emergencies and the difficulties in the present time and with the issues of the planetary citizenship.

    The dossier of the second edition of the journal “Studi sulla Formazione” in 2021 will develop this topic.

    We welcome contributions by Italian and foreign scholars, who are interested in the topic. The contributions can be written in English or Italian.

    The authors should communicate the title and the short abstract of the article by 31 July 2021 and should send the final article (from 20.000 to 30.000 characters, spaces included) by 15 September 2021. 

    For further details please visit our CALL FOR PAPERS page.

    Download the full call for paper in pdf (ita – eng)

    Call for Papers

    From Merit to Competences: a Relevant Topic for Contemporary Pedagogy


    Merit and Competences are two categories which have animated economical, sociological and political research for a long time:they also closely concern education and Bildung. Pedagogy should reflect on these categories in an analytical and critical way.

    The dossier of the first edition of the journal “Studi sulla Formazione” in 2021 will develop this topic.

    We welcome contributions by Italian and foreign scholars, who are interested in the topic.

    The authors should communicate the title and the short abstract of the article by 31 December 2021 and should send the final article (about 20.000 characters, spaces included) by 15 March 2022.

    For further details please visit our CALL FOR PAPERS page.

    Download the full call for paper in pdf (ita - eng)