Author Guidelines
Download the Author Guidelines in pdf.
1. Types of contributions
LEA seeks submissions of previously unpublished manuscripts written in Italian or English. Contributions may include essays, reviews, translations, and interviews.
2. Submission
Please register or login to the journal’s online platform to upload your submission. Should you experience problems in uploading the manuscript file, see “A Visual Guide to Open Journal Systems” or contact the General editors:
3. Manuscript Preparation
3.1. File format
Acceptable file formats include .doc, .docx and .rtf.
3.2. Cover page
The cover page of the submission should include:
- full name(s) of the author(s)
- institutional affiliation(s)
- e-mail address and phone number
- a brief biographical statement in English (sentence format), max. 300 characters with spaces.
3.3. Word count and length
Essays should be 6,000-7,000 words in length – approx. 39,500-46,000 characters with spaces, including notes and bibliography. Reviews and review-essays should be 3,500-5,000 words (approx. 23,000-33,000 characters with spaces).
3.4. Title
The title should be concise (fewer than 20 words) and adequately descriptive of the content of the essay. Style: Times New Roman 18, normal, centred. Authors’ names and affiliation(s) should appear on the subsequent line. Personal information will be removed before sending the contribution to the referees.
3.5. Abstract and keywords
All essays should include an abstract in English (no longer than 100 words, approx. 800 characters with spaces), which is placed after the title and before the main body of the text. Please provide a list of up to five suitable keywords after the abstract paragraph.
3.6. Body of the text
The text should be presented in Times New Roman 12 pt, normal, fully justified, single spaced. The first line of each paragraph should be indented 0.6 cm. Please do not include gaps between paragraphs and do not use tab stops for first line indents – use, instead, the word processing program’s indent features.
Underlining for emphasis should be avoided, as well as the use of bold fonts; prefer small caps instead of CAPITAL LETTERS.
Hyphens (“-”) are used for compound words (e.g. “one-way street”), while dashes “–”, preceded and followed by a space, are used to signal interruptions in the flow of the sentence.
Any foreign words should be checked for special characters – that is, letters with accents (diacritical marks), diphthongs, ligatures, and other alphabetical forms that do not normally occur in English.
Do not embed hyperlinks (links to websites) in the body of the text.
3.7. Quotations
Short quotations contain fewer than 40 words and are surrounded by double quotation marks (“…”). For a quote within a quote, use single quotation marks (‘…’).
Block quotes, which contain more than 40 words, are not enclosed in quotation marks. Leave a blank line before and after block quotes, left indent the whole block 0.6 cm and use Times New Roman 11 pt.
Verse quotations up to three lines are included in the text and surrounded by double quotation marks – use a slash with a space on each side where a new line begins: “He holds him with his skinny hand. / ‘There was a ship’, quoth he”. Verse quotations longer than three lines should be left indented 0.6 cm, without quotation marks and written in subsequent lines (Times New Roman 11 pt).
Commas and periods that are part of the overall sentence go outside the quotation marks.
Omissions within quoted text are indicated by three dots in square brackets […]. Square brackets are also used to mark information that is not in the original quote.
3.8. Parenthetical text citations
Sources are cited in the text, in parentheses, by the author’s last name, the publication date of the work, and a page number if needed: (Porter 2002, 88). In case of multiple citations, or a work by two or three authors: (Lampel, Lant, and Shamsie 2000; Hutter 2011). If the authors are more than three, use the first author’s last name followed by “et al.”: (Kernis et al. 1993, 58). Note that the text citation does not include “ed.”: (Zukowsky 1987, 107).
Use ibidem when the same work is consecutively cited in text and/or footnotes, within the same page.
When multiple references have an identical author (or authors) and publication year, include a lowercase letter after the year (2011a, 2011b, etc.)
The year of first publication or edition of a work is specified in the Works cited section (see 3.10) and not in the parenthetical citations.
References to lines, acts or scenes can be added after the author’s last name, the publication date, and the page number, as in (Lee 1967, 12, I.i.94-111) or (Finch 1713, 6, lines 1-4). For well known works, omit page numbers and use act, scene, book, canto, part and line numbers, e.g. (Dante, Inferno XXII.10) and (Hamlet I.v.17).
3.9. Footnotes
Footnotes are only intended to give additional information about topics. Collect footnotes at the bottom of each page, numbering them consecutively. Numbers denoting footnotes should always appear after punctuation, except for the dash, in which case it the number precedes it.
3.10. Works cited
References should be listed alphabetically by the authors’ last names and formatted with a hanging indent of 0.6 cm. As in text citations, two or more works by the same author in the same year must be differentiated by the addition of a, b, and so forth. The original date of publication of a work is listed after that of the cited edition, in square brackets.
- Books
Berger, Peter, Grace Davie, and Effie Fokas. 2008. Religious America, Secular Europe? A Theme and Variations. Burlington: Ashgate.
Bissell, Tom. 2011a. Extra Lives: Why Video Games Matter. New York: Vintage Books.
Lesina, Roberto. 2009 [1986]. Il nuovo manuale di stile. Bologna: Zanichelli.
Tillich, Paul. 1951-63. Systematic Theology. 3 vols. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
- Edited collections
Daniels, Peter T., and William Bright (eds). 1996. The World’s Writing Systems. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Gili Fivela, Barbara, e Carla Bazzanella (a cura di). 2009. Fenomeni di intensità nell’italiano parlato. Firenze: Cesati.
- Translated and edited books
De Sanctis, Francesco. 1949. Scelta di scritti critici, a cura di Gianfranco Contini. Torino: UTET.
García Márquez, Gabriel. 1988. Love in the Time of Cholera, translated by Edith Grossman. London: Cape.
- Journal articles
Cavalli, Alessandro, e Carmen Leccardi. 2013. “Le quattro stagioni della ricerca sociologica sui giovani”. Quaderni di Sociologia vol. 57, no. 62: 157-169.
Liu, Jui-Ch’i. 2015. “Beholding the Feminine Sublime: Lee Miller’s War Photography”. Signs vol. 40, no. 2: 308-19. doi: 10.1086/678242.
- Book chapters in an edited collection
Gould, Glenn. 1984. “Streisand as Schwarzkopf”. In The Glenn Gould Reader, edited by Tim Page, 308-311. New York: Vintage Books.
Stommel, Hildegard. 2012. “Verum-Fokus als Kontrast-Fokus”. In Wahrheit – Fokus – Negation, herausgegeben von Horst Lohnstein und Hardarik Blühdorn, 171-262. Hamburg: Buske.
- Dictionaries
Real Academia Española y Asociación de Academias de la Lengua Española. 2005. Diccionario panhispánico de dudas. Madrid: rae/asale. <> (08/2020).
The Oxford Classical Dictionary. 2012. Edited by Simon Hornblower, Antony Spawforth, and Esther Eidinow. 4th edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/acref/9780199545568.001.0001
- Other sources
Melfi, Theodore (director). 2016. Hidden Figures. 20th Century Fox.
Milne, Seumas. 2012. “The elite’s fear of a vote on Europe feeds a populist right”. The Guardian, 27 November.
Nelson, Lynn H. “Free Trade, Free Labor and Emigration”. Historical Text Archive. <> (11/2020).
Utrecht University. “Strategic Themes”. <> (06/2020).
Waterhouse, John W. 1888. The Lady of Shalott. Tate Gallery, London. In Tate Modern <‐the‐lady‐ofshalott‐n01543> (05/2019).
3.11 Figures, tables, and graphs
Images (.jpg or .eps) must be at least 300 DPI and not copyrighted. Please use Microsoft Word or Excel formats for tables and graphs.