We are pleased to announce that LEA Vol. 14, scheduled for December 2025, will feature a special thematic section devoted to La casa contesa. Rappresentazioni dello spazio domestico nella letteratura del Novecento. Our guest editors are Francesca D’Alessio, Tommaso Dal Monte, Iwan Paolini, Rachele Puddu, and Alessandro Valenti.
Credits: Alice de Santis
LEA is a double-blind peer-reviewed international scholarly journal that publishes original research papers in all areas of literature and linguistics, with special emphasis on cross-cultural encounters and interdisciplinary exchanges. LEA is published once a year in December. We invite submissions addressing the themes or topics outlined in the Call for Papers, which is issued every year in January.

ISSN 1824-484X (online)
General Editors:
Ilaria Natali, Università di Firenze, Italy
Ayşe Saraçgil, Università di Firenze, Italy
Download the Author Guidelines
LEA - Lingue e Letterature d'Oriente e d'Occidente is indexed in:

Current IssueVol 13 (2024): Antiquity and Antiquities in the Long 18th Century
Published December 23, 2024