Call for Papers Issue XIX (2025) of Music/Technology:
We are pleased to announce our call for papers for the XIX issue (2025) of Music/Technology. This issue welcomes contributions on new technological advances in electroacoustic feedback for music and composition, and their associated artistic/compositional results.
Guest Editor: Maurilio Cacciatore
contact: mauriliocacciatore@gmail.com
Deadline: 30 June 2024
For further information please visit the Call for Paper webpage
The advent of electricity and its instrumental applications has given new impetus to the relationship between music and technology. The constant and progressive spread of electronics and digital tools has increasingly influenced the executive and creative areas of music, aligning the technological dimension always present in its evolutionary path to the demands of contemporaneity. Hybridizations between different genres have been developed. Expressive languages and horizons of scientific and technological research, unthinkable only a few decades earlier, have opened up.
Music/Technology attempts to explore this dimension, in the awareness that the relations between the musical world and the technological one are not linear but rather characterized by chronological and environmental mismatches. With the aim of making explicit - as we had already underlined in our first issue - the awareness that shows «how new categories of musical thought could be created thanks to the invention of devices and instruments whose impact on our ways of learning and conceiving sound phenomenon was decisive» (Hugues Dufourt). The ratio line present in the title of the magazine therefore seeks to express precisely this, in all the values that one wishes to assign to that line. Ultimately, the urgency is to understand the creative, productive and realization mechanisms in which music fits thanks to its electrical and digital developments, while undertaking a reflection that allows us not to be overwhelmed by them.
Editor-in-Chief: Marco Ligabue, Conservatorio di Firenze, Italy
ISSN 1974-0050 (online)
Music/Technology is indexed in:

Current IssueXVIII (2024)
Published June 24, 2024