OnlineFirst Articles

Issue Description


OnlineFirst is a feature offered through FUP's journal platform. It allows final revision articles (completed articles in queue for assignment to an upcoming issue) to be hosted online prior to their inclusion in a final print and online journal issue. This feature is commonly referred to as publish ahead of print, continuous publishing, and publish before print. Access to full-text OnlineFirst articles is free. 

How to cite OnlineFirst articles

Each OnlineFirst manuscript is citeable using the date of the manuscript's first online posting and the DOI. Digital Object Identifiers (DOI) are assigned to all Phyto content for use on digital networks and the metadata associated with that content is registered with the DOI Foundation ( DOIs provide a persistent, permanent way to identify manuscripts published in the online environment, even after they are assigned to a print issue. Information such as volume, issue, and page numbers are not allocated to OnlineFirst articles (as that information is not known until the issue is completed), therefore these manuscripts should be cited as follows:

Author A, Author B. Article title. Phytopathologia Mediterranea. Prepublished Month, day, year, DOI:10.36253/phyto-12345678

After the article is assigned to a specific issue, new citations can be made using volume and page number information, while still using the DOI:

Author A, Author B. Article title. (year) Phytopathologia. Mediterranea., vol. xx, no. xx, pp. xx-xx. DOI:10.36253/phyto-12345678

Each article DOI is registered with CrossRef (, allowing permanent resolution to each article and giving publishers the ability to link their references to articles whenever they are cited.

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