About the Journal
Phytopathologia Mediterranea is an international journal edited by the Mediterranean Phytopathological Union. The journal’s mission is the promotion of plant health for Mediterranean crops, climate and regions, safe food production, and the transfer of new knowledge on plant diseases and their sustainable management.
The journal deals with all areas of plant pathology, including etiology, epidemiology, disease control, biochemical and physiological aspects, and utilization of molecular technologies. All types of plant pathogens are covered, including fungi, oomycetes, nematodes, protozoa, bacteria, phytoplasmas, viruses, and viroids. The journal also gives a special attention to research on mycotoxins, biological and integrated management of plant diseases, and the use of natural substances in disease and weed control. The journal focuses on pathology of Mediterranean crops grown throughout the world.
The Editorial Board of Phytopathologia Mediterranea has recently been reorganised, under two Editors-in-Chief and with an increased number of editors.
These include scientists from 16 countries representing highly respected researchers with a broad range of expertise.The journal includes 3 issues per year in which Review papers, original Research papers and Short notes are published. New sections have been added as New or unusual disease reports, News and prospects, Commentary, Current topics, News and opinions, and Letters to the Editor. The expanded scope, along with the regular contributions of researchers, will enhance achievement of the Journal's goal of being an active communication and discussion forum on all aspects of plant pathology, especially relating to Mediterranean plants, but also more broadly across all facets of our science discipline. The journal also accepts Book reviews of interest for Mediterranean phytopathologists. Papers are published in English.
Papers will be published online as soon as they are accepted, and tagged with a DOI code. The final full bibliographic record for each article (initial-final page) will be released with the hard copies of Phytopathologia Mediterranea. Manuscripts are accepted at any time through the online submission system. The issues and the hard copies are published three times per year.
CONTRIBUTION TO PUBLICATION in the OPEN access journal Phytopathologia Mediterranea
Phytopathologia Mediterranea is an Open Access Journal. Articles and submission processing charges are covered by MPU. All MPU members are entitled to publish in PM, i.e. all the members of the National Society members, of the Affiliated members, and the Individual members. At least one of the authors should be an MPU member, or at least one of the Institutions to which authors belong should be a MPU member.
Non-members can publish in the journal becoming MPU individual members (please contact secretariat@mpunion.org or download the New Member application form at https://www.mpunion.org/membership/ ) at submission and MPU membership fee will be included in the page charge when their paper is accepted.
Please contact the journal editorial office at phymed@unifi.it for questions on contribution to publication costs.
Author’s position |
Research papers and Reviews |
Short notes |
New and unusual disease reports |
MPU members from developing countries (see https://www.un.org/development/desa/dpad/wp-content/uploads/sites/45/publication/ldc_list.pdf) |
€ 500,00 |
€ 400,00 |
€ 350,00 |
MPU members |
€ 750,00 |
€ 600,00 |
€ 550,00 |
New MPU members (including membership) |
€ 800,00 |
€ 650,00 |
€ 600,00 |
Color pages: In the online version all pictures can be in color for free. A € 50 contribution for each color pages IN THE PRINT VERSION is necessary.
A PRO-FORMA invoice will be issued, as we are a no-profit organization and have no fiscal code. Papers in editing will be published, following the order of acceptance date, in the first issue available after receipt of a proof of payment of the contribution to publication costs.
For authors in countries that have problems in transferring money to Europe we recommend you to contact, as several authors do, companies that will transfer money to foreign accounts.
Fee waivers do not apply at Firenze University Press
Phytopathologia Mediterranea is indexed in:
- ACNP Catalogo Italiano dei Periodici
- BASE Bielefeld Academic Search Engine
- Biological Science Journals PQ
- CABI – Abstracts
- CABI – Horticultural Abstracts
- CSA Illumina
- EZB–Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek – Universitätsbibliothek Regensburg
- Google Scholar
- JournalSeek – A Searchable Database of Online Scholarly Journals
- JournalTOCs – Journal Tables of Contents (TOCs)
- Natural Science Journals PQ
- NewJour – Electronic Journals & Newsletters, University of Georgetown
- Ornamental Horticulture CABI
- PLEIADI– Portale per la Letteratura scientifica Elettronica Italiana su Archivi aperti e Depositi Istituzionali
- Plant Breeding Abstract CABI
- Proquest
- Science Citation Index Expanded THOMSON REUTERS
- SciTech Journals PQ
- SciVerse Scopus ELSEVIER
- Searchteam
- Ulrich's Periodicals Directory
- WorldCat