Phytopathologia Mediterranea is an international journal edited by the Mediterranean Phytopathological Union. The journal’s mission is the promotion of plant health for Mediterranean crops, climate and regions, safe food production, and the transfer of new knowledge on plant diseases and their sustainable management. The journal deals with all areas of plant pathology, including etiology, epidemiology, disease control, biochemical and physiological aspects, and utilization of molecular technologies. All types of plant pathogens are covered, including fungi, oomycetes, nematodes, protozoa, bacteria, phytoplasmas, viruses, and viroids. The journal also gives a special attention to research on mycotoxins, biological and integrated management of plant diseases, and the use of natural substances in disease and weed control. The journal focuses on pathology of Mediterranean crops grown throughout the world.
Editors in Chief
Laura Mugnai, University of Florence, Italy
Richard Edwin Falloon, Bio-Protection Research Centre, New Zealand
ISSN: 1593-2095 (online)
ISSN: 0031-9465 (print)
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Current IssueVol 63, No 3 (2024)
Published January 10, 2025