Published 2024-12-30
- Bacterial plant disease,
- evergreen candytuft,
- fasciation
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Copyright (c) 2024 Judit KOLOZSVÁRINÉ NAGY, József FODOR, Zoltán BOZSÓ, János ÁGOSTON, Dénes DLAUCHY, László PALKOVICS, Lóránt KIRÁLY, András KÜNSTLER, Ildikó SCHWARCZINGER

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In spring of 2023, leafy gall symptoms were detected on plants of evergreen candytuft (Iberis sempervirens ‘Pink Ice’) in Hungary. Bacteria isolated from gall-like tissues of short, stunted shoots, and showing a characteristic appearance on selective culture media were investigated using bacteriological and molecular methods, and phylogenetic analysis. Nucleotide sequences of the 16S rRNA gene, fasD and vicA genes were determined. Pathogenicity of selected isolates was confirmed on garden pea (Pisum sativum ‘Tristar’). Characterization of the investigated isolates indicated the presence of Rhodococcus fascians in I. sempervirens. This is the first report identifying the causal agent of leafy gall from this plant in Hungary.
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