Call for Paper CONTESTI 2 | 2024
Edited by Giulio Giovannoni, Paola Briata, Giuseppina Forte, Silvia Ross
Submission deadline September 30, 2024
Planning stems from multi-actor, interactive and negotiating processes (Crosta 1998, Forester 1982), which take place through discursive practices and are strongly conditioned by the distribution of power. In these processes, the planner is invested with a dual role, at once technical and political, and has to mediate between the interests and demands of different groups and stakeholders. Cross-contamination of urban planning/design and anthropological urban approaches makes it possible to reduce the distortions arising from the unequal distribution of power and information by leveraging the cultural and symbolic factors of space production. Anthropological urbanism serves the cause of spatial justice and ethically responsible planning (Cranz 2016, Bech-Danielsen, Landsverk 2022).
This issue of CONTESTI aims to take stock of the debate and promote theoretical reflection on the interdisciplinary contamination between urban planning and urban anthropology, and to illustrate some recent design and planning experiences marked by these kinds of approaches. Possible topics to be covered, non-exclusively, may include the following: 1) Urban anthropology and the discursive construction of urban policies; 2) Anthropological urbanism, stigma and symbolic justice; 3) Urbanism and anthropology of non-places, public housing estates, Arrival cities and camps for migrants and refugees, and the suburbs; 4) Visual anthropology and planning; 5) Anthropological urbanism and social conflict; 6) Open source urbanism and hybrid physical/virtual spaces of engagement.
Download the CALL FOR PAPERS (ITA | ENG)
ISSN: 2035-5300
More information about Contesti. Città, Territori, Progetti
Contesti has been evaluated as Class A-Journal in the latest 2023 official ranking of academic journals set up by the Italian Ministry of University and Research and its evaluation agency ANVUR.
Current Issue2023: Special Issue: Gian Franco Di Pietro. Architettura Città Territorio
Published August 23, 2024
Issue Description
La proposta pervenuta alla redazione di Contesti, ed al Direttore del Dipartimento di Architettura dell’Università di Firenze, di dedicare un numero speciale della rivista alla figura di Gian Franco Di Pietro, ha trovato negli interpellati immediata e convinta adesione. Ciò non solo e non tanto come dovuto riconoscimento per un docente che per molti anni ha rivestito e svolto con impegno ed intelligenza un ruolo centrale ed un attività intensa nell’ambito della – un tempo – Facoltà di Architettura; quanto per la ricchezza e valore paradigmatico di un’opera che ha efficacemente espresso, nell’arco degli anni in cui si è svolta, l’approccio critico riflessivo, contestuale e multidisciplinare tipico di una buona parte della “scuola fiorentina” di architettura. Approc... More