
Call for Paper CONTESTI  1 | 2024

(Re)PRODUCING EVERYDAY LIFE. Urban commoning through care.

Edited by Chiara Belingardi, Gabriella Esposito De Vita, Stefania Ragozino, Tihomir Viderman


Urban Commons express the entanglements among spaces, communities, and governing models. The unceasing process of reconfiguration of the geography of people, activities and rules of self-organization, typical of the commoning process, is based on mutual recognition, shared values, openness, mutualism and care. The three items (commoning, community, space) are equally necessary to the creation of commons, moving towards enabling policies and enabling spaces. This call of CONTESTI aims to collect theoretical, methodological, and empirical contributions that deal with the concepts of urban commons and care, with the focus on (but not restricted to) the following topics: 1. Production of commons - production of values; 2. Care as a social activity and public responsibility; 3. Everyday politics of urban commons; 4. Enabling spaces, enabling policies; 5. Conflict and resistance to urban extractivism; 6. Commons and (agro)ecologies for territorial regeneration; 7. Urban Commoning by care strategies; 8. Women and queer women for urban resistance.




ECOSYSTEM-BASED PLANNING. The contribution of ecosystem services to Urban and Regional Planning innovation.

Edited by Silvia Ronchi, Claudia De Luca, Chiara Cortinovis 


This call of CONTESTI aims to stimulate contributions to the relationship between Ecosystem Services and: 1) urban and landscape planning, including methods, techniques, and strategies through which an ecosystem-based approach has been or can be adopted in a planning or related strategic environmental assessment process; 2) green and blue infrastructure, including case studies and techniques to design green and blue infrastructure networks based on ES and aimed at reducing cities' vulnerability to climate change impacts; 3) valuation, including innovative methods to estimate, predict, and map ES in qualitative or quantitative (including economic/monetary) terms as a knowledge base to support planning and decision-making processes; 4) participation and environmental justice, including studies and experiences that considered equity, environmental and social justice, and "non-expert" perception of ES relevance in policy- and planning decisions.

Download the CALL FOR PAPERS  (ITA | ENG )

ISSN: 2035-5300

More information about Contesti. Città, Territori, Progetti

Contesti has been evaluated as Class A-Journal in the latest 2023 official ranking of academic journals set up by the Italian Ministry of University and Research and its evaluation agency ANVUR.


Current Issue2023: Special Issue: Gian Franco Di Pietro. Architettura Città Territorio

Published December 31, 2023

Issue Description

La proposta pervenuta alla redazione di Contesti, ed al Direttore del Dipartimento di Architettura dell’Università di Firenze, di dedicare un numero speciale della rivista alla fi gura di Gian Franco Di Pietro, ha trovato negli interpellati immediata e convinta adesione. Ciò non solo e non tanto come dovuto riconoscimento per un docente che per molti anni ha rivestito e svolto con impegno ed intelligenza un ruolo centrale ed un attività intensa nell’ambito della -un tempo- Facoltà di Architettura; quanto per la ricchezza e valore paradigmatico di un’opera che ha effi cacemente espresso, nell’arco degli anni in cui si è svolta, l’approccio critico rifl essivo, contestuale e multidisciplinare tipico di una buona parte della “scuola fi orentina” di architettura. Approcci... More


Table of Contents

Special Issue: Gian Franco Di Pietro

Gian Franco Di Pietro. Gli anni della formazione

Gian Franco Di Pietro. Architettura e Urbanistica

Gian Franco Di Pietro. Studio e pianificazione del paesaggio

Gian Franco Di Pietro. Il momento del disegno

Gian Franco Di Pietro. Sezioni aggiuntive

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