Call for Paper CONTESTI 1 | 2025
SOUTHERN TRANSITIONS. Facing climate change and ecological degradation in the Global South
Edited by Elena Tarsi, Cassandra Fontana, Andrea Testi
EXTENDED deadline March 31, 2025.
The ecological transition represents one of the most complex and urgent challenges of our time. Climate change, biodiversity loss, pollution, and environmental degradation are severe consequences of a socioeconomic system in need of a radical rethinking. Although this is a matter of global significance, profound imbalances exist between the Global North and the Global South in terms of both impacts and responsibilities. Due to historical, geographical, and demographic reasons, the countries of the Global South are more exposed to the risks associated with the climate crisis and possess fewer resources to implement adaptation strategies, despite having contributed less to greenhouse gas emissions and unsustainable resource demands.
To broaden the academic debate on transition processes in the Global South and foster greater collaboration between the North and South, the LabPSM – Laboratory on Cities and Territories in the Global South at the University of Florence proposes this issue of Contesti with the aim of inviting contributions inspired by the following reflections:
Plans and Projects for Ecological Transition;
Non-Extractive Knowledge Systems and Co-Production;
North-South Relations Through the Lens of Planetary Justice.
Download the CALL FOR PAPERS (ITA | ENG)
ISSN: 2035-5300
More information about Contesti. Città, Territori, Progetti
Contesti has been evaluated as Class A-Journal in the latest 2023 official ranking of academic journals set up by the Italian Ministry of University and Research and its evaluation agency ANVUR.
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