No. 1 (2024): (Re)producing everyday life

An instituting-organisational framework for the interpretation of urban commoning. Lessons from a neighbourhood park

Giusy Pappalardo
University of Catania

Published 2024-11-25


  • organisation,
  • institutions,
  • engaged research,
  • public spaces,
  • collective learning

How to Cite

Pappalardo, G., & Saija, L. (2024). An instituting-organisational framework for the interpretation of urban commoning. Lessons from a neighbourhood park. Contesti. Città, Territori, Progetti, (1), 18–39.


Drawing on critical scholarship on commoning processes, this article aims to contribute to the debate by reflecting on an argumentative case that took place in a neighbourhood public park on the northern outskirts of the city of Catania in Italy. Based on our direct engagement in such a process, we discuss the rise and fall of this ‘commoning attempt’, with the aim of reflecting on the possibilities and the pitfalls associated with the collective effort to take care of a neglected space. The case is discussed using a theoretical framework developed intersecting Argyris' theory of organisational learning and Esposito’s ‘instituting thought’ applied to urban planning. Through the narrative of the main stages of a nine-month process, using a variety of sources of evidence – our field notes, archival materials, etc.  –, we discuss some key elements to contribute to the advancement of the disciplinary debate on the possibilities opened by the instituting-organisational approach.


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