Vol. 3 (2014)
Condizioni di Possibilità

Una rivista del tardo esilio: “Los Sesenta” di Max Aub

Arianna Fiore
Università degli Studi di Firenze

Published 2014-12-13


  • Literary magazine,
  • ,
  • Max Aub,
  • Mexico


This essay intends to investigate the brief life of Los Sesenta, a generational magazine dedicated to 60-year old people, published in Mexico between 1964 and 1966. After a brief introduction in order to outline the historical and literary context in which this editorial experience was born, we will analyse its five numbers from a thematic point of view, trying to shed light at the same time on the relationships between Max Aub, the founder and only great editor of Los Sesenta, and the other Spanish intellectual exiles and the intellectuals from Latin America, where he had taken refuge after the defeat of the Republic.


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