Vol. 8 (2019)
STUDI E SAGGI – Itinerari nella Weltliteratur

Un incontro mancato? Baudelaire e Wagner

Michela Landi
Università degli Studi di Firenze

Published 2020-12-30


  • Baudelaire,
  • mimetism,
  • rivalry,
  • Tannhäuser,
  • Wagner


The current contribution aims to disclose to Italian readers some relevant aspects of a forthcoming volume entitled: Baudelaire et Wagner. In spite of an ideological purpose prevailing in the 18th Century – fraternity and correspondence between the arts –, a secret rivalry between arts and artists themselves is assumed. This essay mainly focuses on the relationship between Baudelaire and Wagner in order to discuss, on the basis of the intertextuality and discourse analysis of Baudelaire’s Richard Wagner et Tannhäuser à Paris, its traditional interpretation: under cover of irony, the panegyric hides in fact, a pamphlet.


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