Published 2023-05-12
- Bacillus,
- Trichoderma,
- Grapevine trunk diseases,
- Botryosphaeriaceae
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Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología
Grant numbers 2020-000026-02NACF-23230 -
Organisation Internationale de la Vigne et du Vin
Grant numbers OIV research grant 2022 program
Grapevine trunk diseases cause severe damage in grapevines. Management strategies focus on protection of grapevine pruning wounds using chemical fungicides or biological control agents. Botryosphaeria dieback, caused mainly by Lasiodiplodia spp., is one of the main trunk diseases in northwest Mexico. This study obtained endophytic bacteria and fungi from the heritage grapevine Vitis vinifera cv. ‘Mission’ for potential biological control of Botryosphaeria dieback. A collection of 135 bacterial and 37 fungal isolates were obtained and initially tested for antagonistic activity against Lasiodiplodia brasiliensis. The most promising isolates belonging to Trichoderma and Bacillus spp. were selected and characterized to determine their modes of action. Bacillus isolates produced volatile organic compounds that inhibited growth of Neofusicoccum parvum, and diffusible organic compounds with antifungal effects against L. brasiliensis and N. parvum. Trichoderma isolates produced diffusible organic compounds and were mycoparasites. In greenhouse assays, plants inoculated with three Trichoderma asperellum isolates (T20BCMX, EF09BCMX, and EF11BCMX), B. amyloliquefaciens (BEVP26BCMX) or Bacillus sp. (rbES015), applied preventively in soil, gave up to 50% smaller necrotic lesions when compared with the plants inoculated only with L. brasiliensis. In the field, plants inoculated with three Bacillus isolates (BEVP02BCMX, BEVP26BCMX, BEVP31BCMX) or five Trichoderma (T11BCMX, T15BCMX, T17BCMX, T20BCMX, and EF11BCMX) had lesions up to four times smaller than control plants inoculated only with L. brasiliensis. This study has demonstrated the potential of heritage grapevines to provide biological control agents for Botryosphaeria dieback.
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