Published 2023-07-17
- global history,
- micro-history,
- connected histories
Copyright (c) 2023 Giovanni Levi; Daniel Barbu

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
In order to tackle the ongoing Cromohs debate of global history, the author draws on anthropologist Frederik Barth's 'generative model' of the relationship between the general and the particular, art historian Siegfried Kracauer's reflections on history, Sanjay Subrahmanyam's connected histories, Nathan Wachtel's 'histoire régressive,' and his own foundational expertise on micro-history.Image Caption: Pietro Vesconte, Mappa mundi, in Marino Sanudo, Liber secretorum fidelium crucis super Terrae Sanctae recuperatione et conservatione, ed. Johann Bongars (Hanoviae : typis Wechelianis, apud heredes Ioannis Aubrii), via Wikimedia Commons (Public Domain) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki