Vol 79, No 1 (2024)
Issue Description
Agrifood system between global and territorial vision
Guest editors
- Bernard Pecqueur - University Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, Sciences Po Grenoble, Pacte, France. BP: 0000-0002-4986-0349
- Marcello De Rosa - Department of Economics and Law – University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, Italy. MDR: 0000-0002-5053-6861
- Catia Zumpano - CREA - Research Centre for Agricultural Policies and Bioeconomy, Italy. CZ: 0000-0002-9443-3493
The purpose of this Special Focus is to contribute to the debate on localised agrifood systems, whose relevance is clearly emphasised in the literature from both positive and normative perspectives. The selected articles offer a wide range of viewpoints, confirming the importance of a territorial approach to agrifood systems and the necessity to explore the theoretical and empirical foundations of localised modes of food provisioning, particularly within the context of modern rurality.