Farmers’ markets as a sustainable model of producers-consumers relationships: evidence from Tuscany
Published 2024-07-25
- farmers’ markets,
- alternative food networks,
- sustainability,
- proximity economy,
- short food supply chains
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Copyright (c) 2024 Andrea Marescotti, Giovanni Belletti, Matteo Mengoni

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Funding data
European Commission
Grant numbers European Commission, Coordination and support actions, CALL H2020-RUR-2020-1, Program H2020, Project 101000918
Evidence from the literature emphasize the role of Farmers’ Markets (FMs) in enhancing economic benefits for both producers and consumers, improving social outcomes and benefiting the environment. Therefore, FMs can be conceived not just as an alternative to the market, but also as a specific way of shaping producers-consumers relationships, which influences and is at the same time the result of their respective selling-buying models. This article aims at investigating the hypothesis of FMs as a specific and structural form of producers-consumers relationships, and collecting evidence on their perceptions, motivations and behaviour at the markets, and on the impact of selling and purchasing at these FMs on sustainability dimensions. For this purpose, we selected a sample of FMs in the north of Tuscany (Italy) and submitted two in-person semi-structured questionnaires, to both producers and consumers. The methodology was based on actors’ self-assessment supported by guiding interviewers. Results showed how producers and consumers participating in FMs, although with differences across FMs types, do not only activate market relationships, but share, learn and build values together. Indeed, FMs are perceived by the actors involved as a structural and alternative framework, giving space and shaping alternative producers-consumers connections.
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