Published 2024-10-15
- Social farming,
- Prison farms,
- European prisons,
- Agricultural work in prisons
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Copyright (c) 2024 Maria Andreoli, Francesca Frieri, Giorgia Giordani, Francesca Giarè

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Work in prisons has taken on various meanings over time. In European contexts, it serves as a valuable tool for enhancing inmates’ quality of life. Specifically, agricultural work is recognised for its benefits, such as physical and psychological rehabilitation, vocational training, job placement, education, and recreational activities. Some of these aspects align with Social Farming (SF), which attributes a socio-welfare role to agricultural practices. To identify any SF elements within European prisons, an exploratory analysis was carried out, examining experiences in four countries (Denmark, Greece, Italy, and Sweden) using a qualitative approach. The findings reveal that many aspects of these experiences align with the SF framework and contribute to the rehabilitation of prisoners engaged in agricultural work.
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