Vol. 24 (2021): Cromohs
Emotion, Diplomacy and Gift Exchanging Practices in the Ottoman Context

Emotion, Diplomacy and Gift Exchanging Practices in the Ottoman Context

Rosita D'Amora
Università del Salento
Cover image: Alcázar Palace, Seville: the Salón de Embajadores (Hall of the Ambassadors). Watercolour, attributed to E.S., ninetheenth century. Wellcome Collection. Public Domain

Published 2022-06-08


  • Ottoman Empire,
  • Diplomatic History,
  • Diplomatic Gift,
  • History of Emotions


In recent years, an increasing number of studies on diplomatic gifts in the Ottoman context have emphasised, through different approaches, the central role played by gifts in the performance of diplomatic interactions. The articles by Hedda Reindl-Kiel, Michał Wasiucionek and Rosita D'Amora that make up this thematic section, Emotion, Diplomacy and Gift Exchanging Practices in the Ottoman Context, take a step in a new direction by posing challenging questions regarding the emotional implications of the processes of exchanging gifts in the framework of Ottoman diplomatic encounters.