2006: Recent historiographical trends of the British Studies
The Church of England in the eighteenth century

The Theologies of the Nonjurors: A Historiographical Essay

Published 2006-07-01


  • English Nonjurors,
  • 17th-C England


A small schismatic band of English churchmen who opposed the eviction of James II from the throne England by allies of his daughter and son-in-law, the Nonjurors had an influence greater than their numbers would suggest. Consisting of some of the leading lights of the day, including the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Nonjurors offered an alternative political theology to the one presented by the supporters of the new regime. While the historiographical debate has centered on whether the root cause of the schism was a "church point" or "state point" the debate, at least in the beginning, represented a clash of political theologies and theological traditions.