Vol. 1 (2012)
Studi e Saggi

La posizione preverbale nel tedesco parlato spontaneo Descrizione contrastiva lingua in atto – codici normativi

Published 2013-03-08


  • spoken language,
  • preverbal position,
  • L2 teaching,
  • language awareness


This paper describes the outcome of a pilot analysis conducted on a corpus containing two dialogues in contemporary spontaneous spoken German. The analysis aims to check the syntactic structures occurring in the preverbal position (front field and pre-front field) of declarative clauses and compare them with the grammatical rules of written German taught in German L2 classes. The author addresses the issue both from a grammatical and didactic analytical perspective and comes to the conclusion that the teaching of German L2 should take into account not only the grammatical structures of written language, but also those of spoken language in order to stimulate learner awareness of language complexity and improve linguistic competence in spoken German. Based upon the results, useful advice for the teaching of grammar in German L2 is given.


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