Vol. 10 (2021)

Il dibattito accademico cinese riguardo alla produzione letteraria di autori cinesi e sinodiscendenti fuori dai confini nazionali

Tianyang Sun
Università degli Studi di Firenze

Published 2021-12-10


  • Chineseness;,
  • Migrant Literature,
  • Sinophone,
  • World Chinese Literature


This review presents some key issues in the mainland Chinese research on literary works of Chinese emigrants and authors of Chinese descent examining a series of recently published and representative papers. After a brief retrospection of the development of relative studies in the country, the author discusses the questions of denomination, methodology, and canon by juxtaposing opinions of various scholars. In the analysis a particular attention is given to the “Chineseness”, a concept sometimes mythicized by some essentialist discourses in the Chinese academia.


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