Vol. 8 (2019)
OSSERVATORIO – Recensioni e discussioni

Non alleati, ma fratelli. Maritain, Mauriac, Claudel e Bernanos

Maria Chiara Brandolini
Università degli Studi di Firenze

Published 2020-12-30


  • Bernanos,
  • Claudel,
  • Maritain,
  • Mauriac,
  • unpublished correspondence


The current review aims at presenting a recent publication of the correspondence among four major French authors of the 20th Century, Maritain, Mauriac, Claudel and Bernanos, who shared a deep catholic faith. Focussed on Jacques Maritain’s relationship with his three contemporaries, Bressolette and Quantin’s book provides an insight into the dramatic years preceding and following the outbreak of the Second World War, by means of a series of previously unpublished letters, along with letters already known to the public but approached from a new critical perspective.


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