Scienze del Territorio is the official journal of the Territorialist Society. The journal hosts pioneering studies pointed at enhancing territorial heritage, bringing back together the diverse meanings of places, frequently divided by confined institutional sciences and practices, and proposing transformation projects based on these guidelines. As an identity code of its scientific method and action, the journal promotes forms of meeting and mediation among theoretical thought, technical and local knowledge. The journal is intended as an observatory on innovation practices and a place of theoretical reflection on them, providing information, conceptual and practical tools for active citizenship and institutions engaged in various forms of attention to care and government of territories as common goods. The aim is to foster experience exchange and knowledge dissemination and, in a wider perspective, to trigger continuing education and empowerment, by encouraging and strengthening ways of learning and self-learning which can be catalysed by readings.
Editor-in-chief: Paolo Baldeschi
Associate Editors-in-chief: Luciano De Bonis, Maria Rita Gisotti
Editorial Staff: Chiara Belingardi, Elisa Butelli, Claudia Cancellotti, Angelo M. Cirasino, Luana Giunta, Daniele Vannetiello
CALL FOR PAPERS: “Renewable energy communities, territorial heritage and just ecological transition”, Vol. 12, no. 2, 2024
Edited by Monica Bolognesi, Alessandro Bonifazi, Luciano De Bonis and Franco Sala
EXTENDED DEADLINE: October 15th, 2024
Renewable Energy Communities are taking their first steps also in Italy as the energy system evolves towards a new polycentric and widespread configuration, while industrial operators strive to maintain their dominant positions, held or acquired along with the market privatisation and liberalisation. For most territories previously affected only by energy consumption and transmission, this paradigm shift involves the emergence of new socio-technical forms which show a pervasive integration of renewable energy production into everyday landscapes and life worlds ...
Find out more HERE or download the Call for Papers full text (ENG|ITA); for info on thematic and methodological organisation of the journal and on editorial standards, please refer to: societadeiterritorialisti.it/.../submission-guidelines.
PERMANENT CALL FOR PAPERS for the “Reflection on the territorialist project” section
This section of the journal contains papers providing reflections on the state of the art and the multi- and trans-disciplinary advancement of the territorialist project culture, moving from individual disciplines or ‘clusters’ of them. Such papers are therefore intended as totally independent of the topic dealt with in each monographic issue, and may be sent to the editorial staff at any time regardless of the deadlines connected to each thematic call for papers.
Please read HERE the Call full text.
SPECIAL ISSUE: Abitare il territorio al tempo del Covid / Living the territories in the time of Covid
Questo numero speciale della Rivista “Scienze del territorio”, pubblicato in italiano nel 2020, è dedicato a una riflessione ‘territorialista’ finalizzata ad approfondire come la pandemia in corso, e le questioni che essa sta evidenziando, possano essere utilmente affrontate riscoprendo le potenzialità di un diverso modo di pensare, progettare, agire e quindi, complessivamente, “abitare” i nostri territori. Tanto più che CoViD-19 – ci segnalano gli scienziati – non si presenta come un evento isolato, ma come uno dei molti episodi inscritti nella cornice della crisi ambientale globale. La pandemia ha fatto emergere con straordinaria evidenza limiti e fragilità del rapporto prevalente tra economie e territori, riconducibili sempre più chiaramente a quel processo di “accumulazione per spoliazione” reso possibile dalla tecnologia, dalla logistica e dalla finanziarizzazione globali. ... Continua
Edited by Anna Marson and Antonella Tarpino
Ten articles of vol. 12 no.1 online as Just Accepted
Current IssueVol 11, No 2 (2023): Gender and project of places
Published December 29, 2023
Issue Description
edited by Chiara Belingardi and Daniela Poli