Vol. 74 No. 1 (2019)
Saggi e Ricerche

The economic convenience of GMO cultivation in Italy: an analysis of a sample of farm from the Italian Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN)

Mafalda Monda
CREA - Centro di ricerca Politiche e Bio-economia, Roma
Antonella Tantari
CREA - Centro di ricerca Politiche e Bio-economia, Roma

Published 2019-06-15


  • Organismi geneticamente modificati,
  • aziende agricole,
  • convenienza economica,
  • specializzazione aziendale

How to Cite

Monda, M., & Tantari, A. (2019). The economic convenience of GMO cultivation in Italy: an analysis of a sample of farm from the Italian Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN). Italian Review of Agricultural Economics (REA), 74(1), 85–97. https://doi.org/10.13128/REA-25481


The present paper examines the economic convenience of the cultivation of GMOs in Italy. In particular, a simulation was conducted on the effects of the adoption of GM corn for specialized Italian farms, through the comparison of the gross margin of GM and conventional maize. Results obtained on the sample of farms belonging to the Italian farm accountancy data network (FADN), in the 2013-2015 period, show that the gross margin obtainable with the use of GM corn is, on average, higher than that obtained with the use of the conventional one. Results obtained on the sample grouped according to the utilized agricultural area, show that bigger farms could benefit more from the cultivation of GM corn. Moreover, specialized farms located in traditional areas show the highest advantage from the cultivation of GM corn.


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