Vol. 79 No. 3 (2024)
The Multidisciplinary Approach of Rural Studies - Research article

The evolution of policy instruments for European rural development

Angelo Frascarelli
Department of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences, University of Perugia, Perugia, Italy

Published 2024-12-18


  • rural development,
  • CAP,
  • multifunctionality,
  • coproduction

How to Cite

Frascarelli, A. (2024). The evolution of policy instruments for European rural development. Italian Review of Agricultural Economics (REA), 79(3), 57–68. https://doi.org/10.36253/rea-15584


This article discusses the evolutions that have taken place in agricultural and rural policy instruments since their first implementation in 1999. In particular, it will be underlined how the evolutions have been influenced by the concept of multifunctionality and the emergence of the new paradigm of rural development. Rural development represents an alternative to the agro-industrial and post-productivist paradigms. The consequence is the introduction of a territorial and multi-sectoral approach to rural development, starting from the centrality of agriculture as the main user of space, but focusing on the interrelationships between agriculture, the other socio-economic activities and the territory’s natural and environmental resources with a view to the co-production of all the actors (material and immaterial) involved. The second pillar of the CAP on rural development, introduced in 1999, has evolved from focusing primarily on economic objectives during its initial programming periods to incorporating a greater emphasis on environmental and social measures. It now serves as a bridge, linking agricultural policy with other policy areas. The second pillar remains a relevant policy today for two key reasons: the enduring importance and interest of European citizens in rural areas, and its ability to adapt to emerging economic, environmental, and social challenges.


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