Letters to the Editors
Most read articles by the same author(s)
- Giuseppe Surico, Guido Marchi, Laura Mugnai, Piero Braccini, Epidemiology of Esca in Some Vineyards in Tuscany (Italy) , Phytopathologia Mediterranea: Vol. 39 No. 1 (2000): 1st IWGTD - Special issue on Grapevine Trunk Diseases
- Antonia CARLUCCI, Francesco LOPS, Guido MARCHI, Laura MUGNAI, Giuseppe SURICO, Has Xylella fastidiosa “chosen” olive trees to establish in the Mediterranean basin? , Phytopathologia Mediterranea: Vol. 52 No. 3 (2013)
- Giuseppe Surico, Guido Marchi, Laura Mugnai, Renato D'Ovidio, Serena Roberti, Pectic Enzymes Production by «Phaeomoniella chlamydospora» , Phytopathologia Mediterranea: Vol. 40, Supplement (2001) - 2nd IWGTD Special issue on Grapevine Trunk Diseases
- Francis J. Ferrandino, Giuseppe Surico, Guido Marchi, Laura Mugnai, Piero Braccini, Analysis of the Spatial Spread of Esca in Some Tuscan Vineyards (Italy) , Phytopathologia Mediterranea: Vol. 39 No. 1 (2000): 1st IWGTD - Special issue on Grapevine Trunk Diseases
- ROBERTO CALAMASSI, BRUNO MORI, FRANCESCA MOSCATELLI, SARA ALBERGHINI, ANDREA BATTISTI, LAURA MUGNAI, GIUSEPPE SURICO, Aleppo pine knot disease: histology of the knots, detection of causal agent and mode of transmission , Phytopathologia Mediterranea: Vol. 47 No. 1 (2008)
- Antonio GRANITI, Giuseppe SURICO, Laura MUGNAI, Richard FALLOON, Phytopathologia Mediterranea: 50 years of plant pathology communication for the Mediterranean region , Phytopathologia Mediterranea: Vol. 49 No. 2 (2010)
- Bruno Mori, Giuseppe Surico, Laura Mugnai, Lorena Troccoli, Roberto Calamassi, «Phaeomoniella chlamydospora»-Grapevine Interaction : Histochemical Reactions to Fungal Infection , Phytopathologia Mediterranea: Vol. 40, Supplement (2001) - 2nd IWGTD Special issue on Grapevine Trunk Diseases
- Guido Marchi, Ian G. Pascoe, Jaqueline Edwards, Young Esca in Australia , Phytopathologia Mediterranea: Vol. 40, Supplement (2001) - 2nd IWGTD Special issue on Grapevine Trunk Diseases
- Emanuela Bertelli, Giuseppe Surico, Stefania Tegli, Sequence Analysis of ITS Ribosomal DNA in Five «Phaeoacremonium» Species and Development of a PCR-Based Assay for the Detection of «P. chlamydosporum» and «P. aleophilum» in Grapevine Tissue , Phytopathologia Mediterranea: Vol. 39 No. 1 (2000): 1st IWGTD - Special issue on Grapevine Trunk Diseases
- Elena Santilli, Emanuela Bertelli, Giuseppe Surico, Stefania Tegli, Genetic Variation within «Phaeoacremonium aleophilum» and «P. chlamydosporum» in Italy , Phytopathologia Mediterranea: Vol. 39 No. 1 (2000): 1st IWGTD - Special issue on Grapevine Trunk Diseases