Vol. 10 (2021)
Condizioni di Possibilità

Lontano dal passato, da se stessa, dal potere: gli (auto)esili di Christa Wolf in “Kindheitsmuster”

Gabriele Bacherini

Published 2021-12-09


  • Cold War,
  • GDR,
  • Nazism,
  • Oder-Neiße,
  • Wolf


The article analyses the theme of exile as developed in Christa Wolf ’s autobiographical work Kindheitsmuster. The exile experienced at a young age by both the author and by her main fictional character, Nelly Jordan, is complemented by other self-exiles. Through them Wolf seeks to recover her own subjectivity, while critically dissociating from the propaganda and the political line of a regime of which for too long, in the West, she was considered an uncritical supporter.


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