Vol. 8 (2019)
SCRITTURE – Proposte d’Autore dall'Italia, Francia e Perù

Presentazione di Gloria Cáceres Vargas. Sei poesie inedite in quechua, spagnolo e italiano. Conversazione con la poetessa. Visioni identitarie indigeno-peruviane di Fanny del Rocío Palacios Izquierdo

Martha L. Canfield
Università degli Studi di Firenze
Rachele Pacini
Università degli Studi di Firenze

Published 2020-12-30


  • bilingualism,
  • Gloria Cáceres,
  • Indigenism,
  • Latin America,
  • Quechua Literature


Six of twenty-four unpublished poems by Gloria Cáceres (1947), composed in her native language and self-translated in Spanish between 2015 and 2018, are proposed in an Italian version by Martha Canfield and Rachele Pacini; the translation is then followed by a conversation held with the Peruvian poet during summer 2019. One of the most sensitive and most committed poetic and narrative voices of the Latin American neo-Indianist movement, Cáceres faces in her works the risks of “emptiness” and “loss” constantly present in the search of the plurality of a “necessary language” and of the cultural identity of the “Indio”. The identity visions of Fanny Palacios (1972) show the intimate connections between the poetic and pictorial images of the Indigenous-Peruvian creative presence.


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