Published 2016-08-07
- Paolo Gioli,
- mask,
- portrait,
- death,
- identity
- double,
- painting ...More
How to Cite
Valtorta, R. (2016). La maschera come motivo e come meccanismo nell’opera di Paolo Gioli. Rivista Di Studi Di Fotografia. Journal of Studies in Photography, 2(3), 94–114.
The mask can be considered as both a motif and a theoretical-linguistic system for an interpretation of Paolo Gioli’s work. Sometimes masks (exactly molds) are the subject of his photographic series; in other instances, Gioli sees the face itself as a mask; and many of his titles contain the word “mask”. The artist creates geometric shapes and superimpositions of photographic or pictorial materials that mask the gures, which can only be seen through or beyond something. Moreover, each creative medium used by Gioli is hidden behind another: painting behind photography, photography behind cinema, cinema behind photography.Metrics
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