
ISSN 2421-6941 (online)

The Rivista di Studi di Fotografia (RSF) is the six-monthly scientific peer-reviewed journal put out by the Società Italiana di Studi di Fotografia (SISF). It publishes articles on research and studies into photography, both historical and contemporary; articles on sources and the custodianship of photographs; reviews of books, events and exhibitions of particular importance to the development of study in this field. The scope of the journal is to gather together and promote the most up-to-date research on photography which is taking place both in Italy and abroad, with particular attention to the work of specialists in the field who introduce innovative approaches and share an interest in dialogue with other branches of knowledge.
Tiziana Serena, Università di Firenze, Italy
Rivista di Studi di Fotografia is indexed in:

Current IssueVol 5, No 10 (2019)

Published December 15, 2020


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