Vol. 78 No. 1 (2023)
Short Communications

A library of climate adaptation measures in agriculture and their economic assessment

Simonetta De Leo
CREA – Research Centre for Agricultural Policies and Bioeconomy
Giulia Villani
ARPAE – Regional Agency for Prevention and Environment
Antonella Di Fonzo
CREA – Research Centre for Agricultural Policies and Bioeconomy
Sabrina Giuca
CREA – Research Centre for Agricultural Policies and Bioeconomy
Marco Gaito
CREA – Research Centre for Agricultural Policies and Bioeconomy
Antonio Volta
ARPAE – Regional Agency for Prevention and Environment
Alice Vecchi
Department of History Culture and Civilization, DISCI, University of Bologna
Fausto Tomei
ARPAE – Regional Agency for Prevention and Environment
William Pratizzoli
ARPAE – Regional Agency for Prevention and Environment
Guido Bonati
CREA – Research Centre for Agricultural Policies and Bioeconomy

Published 2023-09-26


  • climate change,
  • adaptation,
  • climatic risk,
  • costs/benefits,
  • sustainability

How to Cite

De Leo, S., Villani, G., Di Fonzo, A., Giuca, S., Gaito, M., Volta, A., Vecchi, A., Tomei, F., Pratizzoli, W., & Bonati, G. (2023). A library of climate adaptation measures in agriculture and their economic assessment. Italian Review of Agricultural Economics (REA), 78(1), 97–104. https://doi.org/10.36253/rea-13995


The objective of this study is to present the CAMBIA library, created by ARPAE, which collects more than 100 measures of adaptation of the agricultural sector to climate change, together with their evaluation, developed by CREA PB, in terms of costs and benefits to encourage their adoption by Italian farmers. The study was conducted as part of the LIFE ADA project, which aims to improve the resilience of the agricultural sector by providing farmers with knowledge and tools to adapt to climate change. Users’ adaptive capacity will be enhanced by the ADA web tool, which will include the CAMBIA library and cost-benefit assessment of measures, and will be used to define adaptation plans at both farm and supply chain levels. This is an innovative tool that offers the possibility to consult and compare a set of climate change adaptation measures, together with the cost/benefit assessment related to their adoption so as to help farmers make an informed choice of the measures best suited to their farm reality. In addition, such a tool could encourage the engagement of policymakers and practitioners in their promotion, further fostering farmers’ engagement in adopting climate change adaptation and resilience measures based on their possible cost-effectiveness.


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