Vol. 77 No. 3 (2022)
Short Communications

The 7th Italian Agricultural Census: new directions and legacies of the past

Roberto Henke
CREA - Research Centre for Agricultural Policies and Bioeconomy
Roberta Sardone
CREA - Research Centre for Agricultural Policies and Bioeconomy

Published 2022-11-25


  • farm structures,
  • farm size,
  • on-farm diversification,
  • young farmers,
  • contract services

How to Cite

Henke, R., & Sardone, R. (2022). The 7th Italian Agricultural Census: new directions and legacies of the past. Italian Review of Agricultural Economics (REA), 77(3), 67–75. https://doi.org/10.36253/rea-13972


The release of the new Italian Agricultural Census shows many features in line with the previous decades and also some novelties, which shall be properly investigated in the upcoming future. The reduction in number of farms was largely announced and in line with the overall declining trend. However, in 2020 the average farm size has grown, showing a slowdown of land abandonment and soil consumption in agriculture and a reorganization of the farm structures. In this paper the main economic, social and functional transformations are analysed, by aggregating some of the most relevant trends in evidence. More in-depth analyses from scholars, stakeholders and policymakers are advocated, with the ultimate goal of highlighting and interpreting the long-term paths of Italian agriculture.


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