Vol. 51 No. 2 (2012)
Research Papers

A natural product for the control of olive leaf spot caused by <em>Fusicladium oleagineum</em> (Cast.) Ritschel & Braun

Domenico RONGAI
CRA-PAV (Centro di ricerca per la patologia vegetale)
CRA-OLI (Centro di ricerca per l'olivicoltura e l'industria olearia)
Carlo Di MARCO
CRA-OLI (Centro di ricerca per l'olivicoltura e l'industria olearia)

Published 2012-08-06


  • Brassica carinata,
  • environmentally-friendly products,
  • glucosinolates

How to Cite

D. RONGAI, C. BASTI, and C. Di MARCO, “A natural product for the control of olive leaf spot caused by <em>Fusicladium oleagineum</em> (Cast.) Ritschel & Braun”, Phytopathol. Mediterr., vol. 51, no. 2, pp. 276–282, Aug. 2012.


This study examined the effects of a liquid formulation (Formulation A) on olive leaf spot (OLS), caused by Fusicladium oleagineum. In the laboratory test the formulation, consisting in a dispersion of Brassicaceae meal in vegetable oil, was tested in comparison to vegetable oil alone and to a chemical fungicide (dodine). Vegetable oil, Formulation A, and dodine reduced conidium germination (47, 20 and 23% respectively), compared with untreated experimental controls (56%). Field trial results confirmed the efficacy of the formulation and dodine with respect to the untreated controls. Two applications of formulation in spring plus three additional sprays in autumn maintained OLS incidence below the harmful threshold, especially if applied on cultivars showing medium to low susceptibility to the disease.


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