Vol. 47 No. 3 (2008)
Short Notes

Molecular characterization of a Bean yellow mosaic virus isolate from Syria

Published 2009-01-12

How to Cite

M. Al-Khalaf, S. Kumari, A. Kasem, K. Makkouk, A.-B. Shalaby, and S. Al-Chaabi, “Molecular characterization of a Bean yellow mosaic virus isolate from Syria”, Phytopathol. Mediterr., vol. 47, no. 3, pp. 282–285, Jan. 2009.


Bean yellow mosaic virus (BYMV, genus Potyvirus, family Potyviridae) was studied by comparing sequences from the coat protein (CP) gene of a Syrian isolate with sequences of six other isolates from the NCBI database. A homology tree of the CP sequences was developed using DNAMAN Software. BYMV isolates were grouped into two clusters of which the first comprised the Syrian isolate together with the Indian, Australian and Japanese isolates, and the second the BYMV isolates from China, the Netherlands and the USA. Moreover, the homology tree showed that the Syrian isolate was very close to the Indian one, with 99% homology.


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