Vol. 44 No. 2 (2005)

A California-Based Chronological Review (1995-2004) of Research on Phytophora ramorum, the Causal Agent of Sudden Oak Death

Published 2005-04-01

How to Cite

M. Garbelott and D. Rizzo, “A California-Based Chronological Review (1995-2004) of Research on Phytophora ramorum, the Causal Agent of Sudden Oak Death”, Phytopathol. Mediterr., vol. 44, no. 2, pp. 127–143, Apr. 2005.


This review describes in chronological order the events surrounding the discovery in California of the causal agent of the forest disease known as Sudden Oak Death. Advances in the understanding of this emergent disease have occurred over a very short period of time and include elements of host-pathogen interactions, epidemiology, genetics, as well as the development of treatment options. Only three years from its discovery in California, the entire genome of Phytophthora ramorum was sequenced. The availability of the genome offers endless possibilities for research, and it has already been tapped to provide the strongest evidence yet in support of an exotic nature of this pathogen both in California forests and in European nurseries. Finally, this emergent disease highlights the inevitable connectivity between the ornamental plant business and the health of native forests.


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