Published 2024-01-30
- Alessandro Anselmi,
- G.R.A.U.,
- architecture,
- theory,
- history
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Copyright (c) 2023 Fabrizio Arrigoni

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Il progetto di Alessandro Anselmi e Paola Chiatante per il Nuovo Cimitero Comunale a Parabita (Lecce) porta a compimento le ricerche promosse all’interno dell’atelier G.R.A.U. dall’inizio degli anni sessanta e contribuisce a inaugurare una stagione di compiuta emancipazione da quella “superstizione del nuovo” oramai avvertita come un’ossificata ortodossia accademico-professionale. Un’attenzione ai contenuti e ai processi specifici della disciplina e un confronto aperto con gli archetipi e i codici linguistici e simbolici che spessorano l’esperienza storica costituiscono le premesse da cui origina un’opera tanto concettualmente complessa e articolata quanto fortemente espressiva nella sua sostanza costruita.
Alessandro Anselmi and Paola Chiatante’s project for the New Municipal Cemetery in Parabita (Lecce) is the result of the research carried out within the G.R.A.U. atelier since the early Sixties and contributes to heralding a period of accomplished emancipation from that “superstition of the new” which by then was perceived as ossified academic-professional orthodoxy. A focus on field-specific content and processes, as well as an open dialogue with the archetypes, as well as with the linguistic and symbolic codes that enhance historical experience constitute the premises from which originates a work that is as conceptually complex and articulate as it is strongly expressive in its built substance.