Anno XII / n.s. 2 – 2015
Documenti e testimonianze

Eleonora Duse. Nuovi frammenti autografi di un lungo percorso teatrale

Pubblicato 2016-06-06

Parole chiave

  • Eleonora Duse,
  • Primary Sources,
  • History of actors,
  • Dramaturgy,
  • Biography

Come citare

Megale, T. (2016). Eleonora Duse. Nuovi frammenti autografi di un lungo percorso teatrale. Drammaturgia, 12(2), 151–167.


This essay offers the reading of several Eleonora Duse’s unpublished works, written during a period of time between 1883 and 1921. In these writings a variously assorted network of correspondents (playwrighters, journalists, actors and antiquarians) meets. The autographs (most of them addressed to Achille Torelli) enrich the sources about the study of the actress. In each of them, the personal life of Eleonora Duse intersects with the theatrical profession until her biography merges with her, never satisfied, projects.


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