Anno XX / n.s. 10 – 2023
Ricerche in corso

Edoardo Ferravilla

Pubblicato 2023-12-22

Parole chiave

  • biography,
  • actors,
  • repertory,
  • performance

Come citare

Agostini, E. (2023). Edoardo Ferravilla. Drammaturgia, 20(10), 239–253.


Actor, playwright and capocomico, Edoardo Ferravilla is the most original personality of Milanese dialect theatre and, in the comic repertoire, one of the greatest exponents of Italian scene between 19th and 20th centuries. Creator of a series of lucky characters, such as Sûr Pedrin and Tecoppa, between 1872 and 1880 is a very prolific author.


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