Anno XVIII / n.s. 8 – 2021
Documenti e testimonianze

Antonio Morrocchesi all’Accademia di Belle Arti di Firenze

Pubblicato 2022-04-11

Parole chiave

  • Antonio Morrocchesi,
  • Declamation and theatrical art,
  • Teaching of acting,
  • Early nineteenth century italian theater

Come citare

Nerbano, M. (2022). Antonio Morrocchesi all’Accademia di Belle Arti di Firenze. Drammaturgia, 18(8), 491–519.


The essay deals with the didactic activity conducted by Antonio Morrocchesi at the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence and is the result of a systematic survey of archival documents carried out by the author in the three-year period 2016-2018. In particular, it examines the dossiers relating to the so-called ‘premi di emulazione’, that is the competitions which, on an annual and three-year basis, saw the most talented students challenge each other in a competition aimed at measuring progress in study and their own artistic maturity. Through the themes assigned to the competitors, it was possible to identify the canon of authors adopted in academic teaching, thus offering an additional perspective on the subject to that provided by the Lezioni di declamazione e d’arte teatrale.


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