Anno XVIII / n.s. 8 – 2021
Documenti e testimonianze

Uno scenografo e un impresario: il contratto Madonis-Bellavite al teatro Sant’Angelo di Venezia (1724)

Pubblicato 2022-04-11

Parole chiave

  • Venetian theatres,
  • Baroque scenography,
  • Antonio Denzio,
  • Franz Anton von Sporck,
  • Rosaura Mazzanti

Come citare

Stefani, G. (2022). Uno scenografo e un impresario: il contratto Madonis-Bellavite al teatro Sant’Angelo di Venezia (1724). Drammaturgia, 18(8), 435–461.


On 24 January 1724, the Veronese set designer Innocente Bellavite signed a contract with the impresario Antonio Madonis to create the sets for the operas at the Teatro Sant’Angelo in the 1724-1725 season. The contract, broken by when he entered the pay of Antonio Denzio’s company in Bohemia, is a rare testimony of the clauses established between a set designer and an impresario in Venetian theatres at that time. By highlighting this unpublished document for the investigation of Baroque scenography, this contribution adds new details to the laconic biographies of two overly neglected protagonists of early 18th-century European theatre.


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