Anno XVIII / n.s. 8 – 2021

Fotografi, pittori, attori a Genova tra fine Ottocento e primo Novecento

Pubblicato 2022-04-05

Parole chiave

  • Photographs of actors,
  • Eleonora Duse,
  • Tina Di Lorenzo,
  • Sciutto photographers

Come citare

Papone, E. (2022). Fotografi, pittori, attori a Genova tra fine Ottocento e primo Novecento. Drammaturgia, 18(8), 163–179.


The essay analyses the close relationship established by the three major photographic studios active in Genoa between the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century with the intellectual and artistic environment, in particular with the theatrical world, both locally and nationally. Starting from a systematic analysis of the cultural and society chronicles published in the newspapers, and comparing the information found with the photographs preserved in the main city and national photographic collections and with the photomechanical reproductions in contemporary publications, an attempt was made to recompose and date the images relating to the opera and dramaturgy produced by the Genoese studios. Despite the sharing of the communication strategy based on the systematic presence in the media and on the often instrumental alliance with the entertainment world, the photographers considered here express themselves with different styles. Among them, the Sciutto photographic studio comes out for quality and awareness, especially with the portraits of Eleonora Duse, memorable for the author and the actress. Finally, light is shed on the influence exerted by the theatrical performances on the taste of the bourgeoisie and on the contamination with the photographic portrait.


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