«Io la preferisco a tutti i fotografi del mondo». Mario Nunes Vais e il ritratto d’attore
Pubblicato 2022-04-05
Parole chiave
- Mario Nunes Vais,
- Theatre,
- Portraits,
- Artists
Come citare
Zannoni, M. (2022). «Io la preferisco a tutti i fotografi del mondo». Mario Nunes Vais e il ritratto d’attore. Drammaturgia, 18(8), 143–161.
The essay investigates the portrait production of Florentine photographer Mario Nunes Vais. A notable signature of non-professional Italian photography, in the early decades of the twentieth century Nunes Vais portrayed all the most significant theatrical artists, leaving an unparalleled testimony in his archive. A refined author and a careful witness of his time, this photographer was indeed able to tell, like no other, the Italian theater scene through the images of its protagonists.
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