Anno XVII / n.s. 7 – 2020
Ricerche in corso

Rosa Pasini Romagnoli

Pubblicato 2021-03-12

Come citare

Bravi, G. (2021). Rosa Pasini Romagnoli. Drammaturgia, 17(7), 163–187.


Considered the last greatest Goldonian Servetta, Rosa Pasini Romagnoli was one of the most popular Italian actress in the early 19th century. She performed in the Compagnia Reale Sarda (The Royal Sardinian Company) and for a few years (1823-1829) in the Duca di Modena’s Company, with an extended repertory containing the Virginie Déjazet’s en travesti characters. In the last years of her life she devoted herself to teaching.


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