No. 1 (2023): WASTELANDS. Recycling urban spaces for the shrinking city

Capitale geografico sfruttabile: Progetto di recupero delle aree alterate dalla presenza di rifiuti

Silvia Dalzero
Università di Architettura di Venezia, IUAV

Published 2023-09-12


  • Rifiuti; Città; Architettura; Recupero; Urbanistica.

How to Cite

Dalzero, S. (2023). Capitale geografico sfruttabile: Progetto di recupero delle aree alterate dalla presenza di rifiuti. Contesti. Città, Territori, Progetti, (1), 139–160.


The landscape is changing to accommodate the disposal and collection of waste. More than 30.000.000 tons of urban, and 1.000.000 of special are produced in Italy every year and their management is diversified and requires adequate systems such as incinerators which dispose of them through combustion and landfills which are definitive deposits among the most ancient techniques and among the most dangerous for the environment. Observing the rubbish magma as it is received by the landscape is today's challenge that the research cartographically documents by focusing on the one hand on simple cataloguing as numerically significant data in itself, and on the other on the analysis of the aspects linked to the phenomena of new urbanization or phenomena modification of the existing one that this proliferation of disposal plants determines. We can say a moving seismograph that documents a reality that invades the territory in surprisingly different ways in time and space and whose research reveals the unexplored architectural potential by taking an example from that process which sees places altered by the presence of waste, once perceived as inhospitable, to be transformed into real project opportunities as evidenced by the numerous parks or the ‘energy bases’ built in places previously abandoned and taken away from the city that welcomes them



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