V. 12 N. 12 (2022): Exploring Digital Literature and Humanities in Ireland
Pagine Preliminari / Preliminary pages

In Memoriam. Thomas Kinsella (1928-2021). Dublin, Turin, Philadelphia

Donatella Abbate Badin
University of Torino

Pubblicato 2022-06-30

Parole chiave

  • Ageing,
  • Beliefs,
  • Irish Poetry,
  • Reception,
  • Thomas Kinsella

Come citare

Abbate Badin, D. (2022). In Memoriam. Thomas Kinsella (1928-2021). Dublin, Turin, Philadelphia. Studi Irlandesi. A Journal of Irish Studies, 12(12), 11–28. https://doi.org/10.36253/SIJIS-2239-3978-13756


In remembering Thomas Kinsella in this obituary, the author has dwelt on a little-publicized event of the poet’s life, the granting of an honorary degree by the Turin University on 9 May 2006. The occasion is seen as a belated homage to a poet who had not always received his due in the past and as a harbinger of the full recognition that was to be granted to him in the succeeding years. By analysing his Acceptance Speech, the poem he read at the ceremony and the informal conversations that took place at the time, the author identifies some important concerns that would emerge in Kinsella’s Late Poems that dwell on ageing, taking stock of one’s life, understanding and belief.


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