Vol. 5 (2016)
Condizioni di Possibilità

Ancora sulla ricezione della teoria letteraria russa in Italia

Published 2016-12-29


  • Bachtin,
  • literary criticism,
  • Russian formalism,
  • semiotics


In the article a general overview of the main translations and research published in Italy about the Russian theory of literature from 1963 to 2015 is given in order to focus on the tendencies of national literary criticism. Particular attention is devoted to the collections edited by Remo Faccani and Umberto Eco, Maria Di Salvo’s studies and the role of reviews like Questo e altro, Sigma, Strumenti critici and Rassegna sovietica. The theoretical trends of recent decades are also taken into account and demonstrate that particular attention is again being devoted to personalities of OPOJAZ and MLK (especially Boris Tomaševskij and Grigorij Vinokur) and those belonging to a philosophical sphere (Gustav Špet).


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