Vol. 8 (2019)
OSSERVATORIO – Recensioni e discussioni

Convergenze tra lingue semitiche e lingue indo-europee. Replica a Sergio Basso

Published 2020-12-30


  • Akkadian,
  • Greek philology,
  • historical linguistics,
  • Indo-European,
  • Semitic linguistics


Basso harshly criticizes Giovanni Semerano’s approach to the relations between Indo-European and Semitic languages and argues that on this topic it is better to look at the studies of Keller, Lewy and Lokotosch and those of the more recent scholars of the Nostratic theory: using an essentially genealogical method, largely based on the concept of proto-language and proto-family (family-tree theory). In this brief reply to Basso’s remarks, we will also mention the fact that Vittore Pisani and Giovanni Garbini presented significant points of contact with Semerano in the critique of the genealogical method (Stammbaumtheorie).


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